“Summer Super Brawl” at Tropicana June 1, Part of Boxing Gala Weekend in AC

Dee Lee Promotions, LLC. in association with the Tropicana Casino and Resort presents hard hitting Dennis “The Assassin” Hasson (13-0-0/5 ko’s) vs George “The Rooster” Armenta (14-8-0/11 ko’s) in a 10 round super middleweight “Summer Super Brawl” on Friday, June 1, 2012. This 10 Round main event is part of Atlantic City’s first ever Multi-Cultural Heritage Festival which includes an All Star Boxing Legends Gala the following night. With legendary names like Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield and “Joltin” Jeff Chandler floating around town, Mr. Hasson will have the perfect setting to show case his crowd pleasing brawling boxing skills. Mr. Hasson better not underestimate the hard hitting Mr. Armenta or he could find himself on the wrong end of a big right hand. Mr. Armenta has 11 ko’s in his 14 victories so anything can happen!!

The 8 round co-main event on this “Summer Super Brawl” fight card features Philadelphia’s super bantamweight “Pretty Boy” Coy Evans (10-1-1/2 ko’s). Mr. Evans has shown a lot of early promise and his skills have been steadily sharpened but finding quality opponents in that weight class will be a real challenge for matchmaker Nick Tiberi. There will also be an all time show stopping WIBC 3 minute -10 round Title Fight featuring Lisa Noel Garland (9-6-0/5 ko’s) of York, SC vs Kita Watkins (7-8-0/1 ko’s) of Camden, AR . This will surely be an amazing fight, so do not miss it!!

The exciting undercard will be filled with action packed fighters led by heavyweight Joey “The Polish Thunder” Dawejko (6-0-1/2 ko’s) vs. Edwin Ranquillo (2-1/1 ko’s). At 5’10 – 235 pounds, the 21 year old Mr. Dawejko presents big problems for any opponent and any ring looks small when he steps through the ropes, however do not be so quick to judge this fight. Even though it appears Mr. Ranquillo does not have the ring experience, he does have the experience of serving our country. This card also sees the return of light heavyweight Frankie “The Freight Train” Filippone (9-2-0/2 ko’s) vs Keandre Leatherwood (9-1-0/6 ko’s). With such close records, both men are hungry to pick up another “W” at the Trop no matter what it takes!!!

The remainder of this very promising undercard features Isiah Seldon (6-0-0/3 ko’s) vs Lekan Byfield (2-1), with Big Dog Mr. Seldon in town Isiah will be sure to put on a good show! Saud “Kid Grady” Clark vs Flavio Augusto Reyes both making their Pro-Debut’s, Anthony “The Bull” Smith (13-0/10 ko’s), Delaware’s Mike Tiberi (19-1-0/7 ko’s), Two young local fighters, Atlantic City Native super middleweight Antwyan Aikens (4-0-0/1 ko’s) vs Kenneth Schmitz (2-1/1 ko’s) and Millville featherweight Joshua Reyes (1-0-0) vs David Rogriquez (0-1) round out this entertaining fight card.

Doors open at 7:00 p.m., with the first bout slated for 8:00 p.m. Tickets are priced at $40, $55, $65 and $100 and can be purchased at the Tropicana Box Office, by calling Ticketmaster at 1.800.745.3000 or Dee Lee Promotions, LLC. at 856.692.1206.

About Dee Lee Promotions, LLC.
Dee Lee Promotions, LLC. is owned and operated by New Jersey Boxing Hall of Fame promoter Diane Fischer of Vineland, NJ. Fischer has earned a reputation not only as a premier matchmaker who has presented some of the most memorable and entertaining boxing contests in the country, but as woman who has been innovative and overcome gender barriers in an industry dominated by men. Her industry awards and distinctions include:  New Jersey Promoter of The Year; Undercard Fight of the Year; Best Girl Fight of The Year; The First Time Six World Title Belts [Pay Per View] appeared on one card (Atlantic City); The First All Girl Fight on the East Coast; The first woman ever to promote an all girl fight card in Baton Rouge Louisiana; The first woman promoter ever to promote a World Title Fight in Panama City; The first male or female promoter to present a title fight in Delaware; The first woman promoter to promote/co-promote a Heavyweight Championship Fight on HBO, Ray Mercer, and Wladimir Klitschko on June 29, 2002; the fight also was aired on PPV in Germany and was the first Heavyweight Championship promoted by a female in that country. To contact Dee Lee Promotions LLC., call 856.692.1206.

About Tropicana Casino and Resort
Tropicana Entertainment Inc. (“Tropicana Entertainment”) owns and operates 8 casinos and resorts in Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, and New Jersey. In addition, the Company owns a development property in Aruba. Tropicana Entertainment properties collectively have 5,750 rooms, 8,300 slot positions and 240 table games


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