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Round by Round Results: Tyson Fury Stops Deontay Wilder in the 7th Round

By: William Holmes

The most anticipated heavyweight fight of this century, the rematch between Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury, took place tonight at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

The final undercard fight was over around 11:30PM, and they held a ceremony inside the ring to celebrate some of the great heavyweight champions the sport has seen, such as Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, and Lennox Lewis.

Both Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury came in heavier than when they first met.  Fury weighed in at 273 pounds and Wilder came in at 231 pounds.

Fury entered the ring first with a crown on his head and was greeted warmly by the crowd.  Fury’s song choice of “Crazy” by Patsy Cline while he was carried out on a throne was certainly an interesting one.  Wilder came out second to a live hip hop performance and wasn’t greeted as warmly by the crowd as Fury was.  

The following is a round by round result of tonight’s heavyweight fight.

Deontay Wilder (42-0-1) vs. Tyson Fury (29-0-1); WBC Heavyweight Title

Rd 1:

Fury came running right out towards Wilder.  Wilder is circling towards Fury’s right hand.  Wilder throws out two lazy jabs.  Fury is pressing forward and lands a jab then barely misses with a right hand.  Wilder lands a good straight right handon Fury.  Wilder lands another straight right on Fury.  Fury lands an overhand right on Wilder.  Wilder throws a jab to the body of Wilder.  Fury lands a good right cross on Wilder’s chin.  Wilder misses with a left hook.  Fury lands a jab to the body.  The crowd is singing loudly for Fury.  Fury has Wilder backing up.  Fury is doing a good job using his reach.  Fury lands a straight right followed by a sharp jab on Wilder. 

10-9 Fury

Rd 2:

Fury comes right out to Wilder again.  Wilder is bouncing on his feet and lands a jab to the body.  Fury lands a looping left hook.  Fury digs a jab to the body and follows it with a jab upstairs.  Fury lands another good left hand on Wilder, but Wilder follows it with a hard right to the temple of Fury.  Fury flicks another good jab at Wilder then ducks under a right hand from Wilder.  Wilder barely misses a right hand.  The crowd is loud for Fury.  Wilder backs Fury up with a double jab.  Wilder lands another good right on Fury, but Fury answers with a clean left hand.  Fury landed a good check left hook. Fury landed a hard right to the chin of Wilder.  Wilder lands a good right hand on Fury and Fury answers with a left hook.  Real close round.

10-9 Wilder, 19-19

Round 3:

Fury pressing forward again.  Fury is active with his jab.  He is touching Wilder with the jab.  Fury landed a good four punch combination on Wilder.  Fury is looking confident in the ring.  Wilder lands a left hook on Fury as he comes forward.  Fury barely missed with a bomb of a right hand.  Fury lands two short right hands on a charging Wilder.  Wilder gets tagged with another jab by Fury.  Wilder ducks under a sweeping right hand by Fury.  Fury lands a jab and follows it with a right hand behind it.  Fury lands a right hook and Wilder goes down.  Fury jumps right on Wilder and lands another right hand.  Wilder falls forward and it is ruled a slip.  Fury stares down Wilder as he walks back to his corner.

10-8 Fury, 29-27 Fury

Round 4:

Wilder comes out aggressively on Fury, but Fury looks like the fresher fighter.  Wilder tries to tie up but Fury gets out quickly.  Referee warns them for holding.  Wilder barely misses with a jab.  Fury lunging forward with his jabs and crosses.  Wilder loses his balance again and slips backwards.  Wilder’s left ear is bleeding badly.  Fury looks very confident.  Fury lands another body shot on Wilder.  Wilder misses with a right hand.  Wilder backing up and lands a jab.  Fury flings out a right hand and lands.  They tie up again.  Wilder coming in low and tying up with Fury.  Wilder looks exhausted.  Fury is keeping the pressure on Wilder. 

10-9 Fury; 39-36 Fury

Round 5:

Fury lands a heavy two punch combination on Wilder early on and hurts Wilder.  Wilder looks a little shaky but is still dangerous.  Wilder getting tagged by Fury with shots on the inside.  Fury lands another right hand to the side of Wilder’s head.  Fury lands a body shot on Wilder and Wilder goes down again.  Wilder looks exhausted.  Fury lands a right as soon as the fight restarts.  Fury lands more shots on Wilder who looks exhausted.  Wilder has blood coming from his mouth.  Fury is looking for the kill shot. Wilder gets tagged by Fury again. Kenny Bayless takes away point from Fury for landing a punch in the tie up.  Questionable point. 

9-8 Fury, 48-44 Fury

Round 6:

Blood was coming out from the ear of Wilder and he was spitting up blood in his corner.  Wilder is backing up while Fury is pressing forward.  Fury lands a good right hand on Wilder as he backs into a corner.  Fury lands several more shots on Wilder by the corner.  Fury landing to the body on Wilder.  Fury lands some more good shots on Wilder by the ropes.  Fury is taking deep breaths and looks tired himself.  Fury is beating up Wilder on the inside when in tight.  Fury is really taking it to Wilder.  Fury lands a left hook to the chin of Wilder.  Fury is battering Wilder.

10-9 Fury, 58-53 Fury

Round 7:

Wilder looks tired.  Fury lands a good left hook and knocks Wilder backwards.  Wilder looks like one punch will finish him.  Fury is pressing forward and doing damage with his jabs.  Fury lands a good body head combination.  Fury jabs to the body and backs Wilder into the corner.  Fury lands several more good shots on Wilder by the corner and Wilder’s corner calls for the fight to be stopped and the referee obliged.

Tyson Fury wins by KO at 1:39 of the 7th round.

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