Is “Kid Chocolate” the Most Used Name for a Boxer?

Is “Kid Chocolate” the Most Used Name for a Boxer?

By Ken Hissner

The last name Smith has many boxers with that name but “Kid Chocolate” has to be right up there with seventy-two, yes 72 boxers have used that name!

The most famous was Havana Cuba’s Kid “Bon Bon” Chocolate, 136-10-6 (51), NBA World Super featherweight and NYSAC World Featherweight champion.

There were 12 Young Kid Chocolate’s. There were also Kid Chocolate l, plus 3 Kid Chocolate ll’s and 1 Kid Chocolate lll’s. Also, a Kid Chocolate, Jr. Philadelphia’s Ronnie Walker, 19-7, was one of the Baby Kid Chocolate’s.

Only 17 of the 72 Kid Chocolates had a winning record even if it was 2-1. The worst record was Baby Kid Chocolate 26-50-10, and believe it or not from Hershey, PA, the Chocolate town known for their Hershey chocolate candy bars.

The name Kid Chocolate did few boxers any good since only one of them had 20 and one 10 wins with the rest below 10 wins of the 72 except “Bon Bon” whose real name was Eligio Sardinias Montalvo and was the original Kid Chocolate starting in 1927.

The greatest P4P boxer ever “Sugar” Ray Robinson’s real name was Walker Smith, Jr. There were 40 named John Smith, 25 named James Smith and 24 Charley Smith names boxers.


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