By: William Holmes
During the preliminaries of tonight’s UFC event, Joe Rogan announced that Strikeforce Lightweight Champion Gilbert Melendez is now in the UFC. That means tonight’s winner has the opportunity to unify the Strikeforce and UFC Lightweight Championship. Tonight’s card is stacked, and features the lighter weight classes in the UFC, which happen to be the deepest divisions in the MMA.
Melvin Guillard (46-9-3) vs. Joe Lauzon (20-6); Lightweight
Round 1:
Guillard comes out and throws a high kick and a two pinch combination. Guilallrd lands a hard left kick to the body, Guillard throws another hard kick but Lauzon catches him with a solid left hook that stuns Guillard while he is throwing an upperuct. Guillard is hurt bad and Lauzon takes Guillard to the ground. Lauzon takes Guillard’s back and sinks in the rear naked choke, and Guillard is forced to tap.
Joe Lauzon wins by first round submission at 0:47.
Nam Phan (16-9) vs. Leonard Garcia (15-7-1); Featherweight
Round 1:
Garcia and Phan touch gloves, and Phan starts out throwing a low kick, and the fighters exchange combinations. Garcia throws a two punch combination. Garcia with a high right kick and connects with a straight right cross. Garcia with a body kick and overhand right, followed by a double jab. Garcia throws a leg kick after throwing out a double jab. Garcia lands a hard jab. Phan lands multiple body shots and knocks Garcia down with a right cross. Phan is in Garcia’s full guard. Not much action occurs and the referee stands them up. Garcia with an outside and inside leg kick. Phan tags Garcia with an uppercut and a left hook. A straight jab by Phan lands. Phan is starting to find his range and clips Garcia with a left hook. Garcia throws a spinning back kick that is partially blocked. Garcis shoots in on a double leg but Phan wizards out of it. Phan lands a very hard left hook to the body, and lands a left hook to the head of Garcia. Garcia misses on a two punch combination. Garcia lands a hard body kick on Phan. Phan lands a two punch combination. Phan lands a jab, and Garcia throws a high right kick. Phan lands a very hard body punch. Garcia throws a high kick that is blocked. Phan lands a jab and a two punch combination. Garcia is complaining that he got poked in the eye, quick stoppage. Garcia comes back out firing, and shoots in on a takedown that is stuffed. Phan on top landing some ground and pound, and gets into back control right at the end of the round. Phan really started to take over during the second half of the round. 10-9 round for Phan.
Round 2:
Fighters touch gloves again, and Garcia quickly lands a hard straight right. Garcia throws and lands an outside kick. Garcia lands a double jab, and Phan answers with a jab of his own. Fighters starting right where they left off exchanging flurries. Phan lands four hard body shots and then a right cross. Garcia throws a wild spinning back fist, Phan has Garcia against the cage and lands an uppercut. Garcia lands a hard body shot. Phan throwing the straighter and more accurate punches. Garcia lands two jabs in a row. Phan comes forward and hits Phan with a straight left and a straight right. Garcia is visibly tiring. Hard body shots land for Phan. Phan lands a short left hook. Garcia lands a short uppercut. Phan lands a hard left hook and a straight right. Garcia tries to shake off one of Phan’s punches. Phan lands a hard left hook to the body, and Phan is throwing out quick combinations. Garcia really throwing wild punches and missing. Phan lands a straight right hand. Phan lands two straight jabs. The body shots by Phan are really doing damage, and Garcia looks gassed out there. Phan lands four punches in a row. Garcia appears to be bleeding beneath his right eye. Phan lands four left hands in a row. Phan lands a hard right cross and a combination as the round ends. 10-9 round for Phan.
Round 3:
Garcia and Phan touch gloves again at the start of round three. Garcia lands two hard leg kicks. Garcia throws out a high kick that is partially blocked. Garcia lands a hard body shot and Phan hits him with a short hook. Garcia really throwing everything out in his punches. Garcia lands a straight left and a straight right then lands a hard leg kick. Garcia throws a left hook and knocks Phan down. Phan against the fence and Garcia throwing bombs, and Phan is hurt. Garcia has Phan against the cage and throwing very hard shots at Phan. Garcia landing on Phan against the fence and Phan ties up. Fast paced action and the fighters clinch against the cage. Garcia lands a hard right elbow against the fence. Phan looks like he has his wits back again, and lands a jab and a hard body shot. Phan lands an uppercut. Garcia lands a knee to the body and Phan lands a left uppercut. Garcia shaking his head and talking, lands an outside leg kick and Phan answers with a four punch combination of his own. Phan shoots in and takes Garcia down with a double leg takedown. Phan landin some short left hand shots. Fans starting to boo, and the referee stands them back up. Fighters touch gloves again and the crowd roars. Garcia lands a switch kick and throws a wild spinning back fist. Garcia lands a hard jab. Garcia throwing wild punches and not landing much. Phan lands a left hook. Garcia coming forward and throwing wildly. Garcia shoots in on a takedown and shortly takes Phan down but Phan gets back to his feet and pushes Garcia off. Phan lands two quick jabs. Fighters exchange wild punches at the end of the round. Great round, 10-9 round for Garcia.
Official scores are 29-28 on all three cards for Nam Phan by unanimous decision. It’s going to be very hard for any fight on this card to top Garcia vs. Phan II.
Chael Sonnen (25-11-1) vs. Brian Stann (11-3); Middleweight
Round 1:
Sonnen comes out and shoots in on a double leg takedown right away. Fighters are clinched against the fence and engage in dirty boxing. SOnnen lands some short hard knees to the ribs of Stann. Stann landing some right hooks to the ribs of SOnnen. Sonnen has a deep underhook in throws some knees to the body of Stann. Sonnen gets the trip takedown and is in side control on Stann. Sonnen lands some elbows on Stann. Sonnen lands a right knee to the ribs of Stann. Sonnen landing more knees to the ribs of Stann. Sonnen lands two short right hands. Sonnen attempts to go for a mount but gets stuck in Stann’s full guard. Stann gives up his back and Sonnen takes it. Sonnen sinks in both hooks and has full back control. Sonnen rotates into full mount on Stann and lands some ground and pound. Stann gets back to his feet and Sonnen has both hooks in wrapped around his back. Sonnen slips off and slams Stann to the ground. Sonnen into half guard and lands some short elbows. Sonnen back into full guard and postures up and lands a hard right hand. Sonnen lands some short elbows. Sonnen back into full guard again, and Sonnen lands a body head combination. Sonnen with another body head combination and lands some very hard ground and pound. 10-9 round for Sonnen.
Round 2:
Round 2 starts and Sonnen gets a takedown with a perfectly executed power double leg. Sonnen steps over Stann’s right knee and getsinto half guard. Sonnen beating up Stann on the ground. Sonnen passes into side control by hooking up a cradle. Sonnen lands a hard elbow and rotates his body into mount position. Sonnen lands some right hand palm strikes to the side of Stann’s head. Sonnen landing short right hands and is smothering Brian Stann. Sonnen landing left hands now. Stann is attempting to hip escape and gets back into half guard position. Sonnen landing some right hands. Referee stands the fighters up. Stann lands a hard straight right hand on Sonnen. Sonnen shoots in but Brian Stann is able to sprawl out. Sonnen getting deeper on the takedown and slams Stann down into side control. Sonnen landing some knees to the bdy of Stann from side control. Sonnen locks in an arm triangle and steps over to the opposite side. Sonnen really squeezing hard and Stann has no choice but to tap. Sonnen imposed his will and looks like he is ready for another title shot against Anderson Silva.
Sonnen wins by 2nd round submission at 3:51 by arm triangle.
In the post fight comments Chael Sonnen immediately calls out Anderson Silva. Chael Sonnen yells out, “Anderson Silva, you absolutely suck.” Sonnen challenges Anderson Silva to a fight on superbowl weekend, and tells Silva if he beats Silva, Silva has to leave the middleweight division, and if Silva beats Sonnen, Sonnen he will leave the UFC forever.
Jose Aldo (19-1) vs. Kenny Florian (14-5); Featherweight Championship
Round 1:
Aldo and Florian come out and touch gloves, and Florian lands an outside leg kick. Florian steps forward and throws a high leg kick. Florian throws and lands an inside leg kick. Aldo comes forward and lands a hard straight right hand. Aldo lands a straight left. Aldo lightning quick with his straight rights. Florian shoots in on a takedown and Aldo stuffs it and lands a two punch combination. Florian comes in and lands a lead right hook. Kenny Florian shoots in on a takedown and drives Aldo against the cage. Florian in on tight with a clinch, and lands a knee to the body. Florian switches off to an outside single and lands a short left hand. Florian is able to hip toss Aldo and Aldo snaps up back to his feet. Florian with a body lock and gets to the back of Aldo. Aldo is looking for a kimura but Florian gets to Aldo’s back. Florian lands a knee to the thigh of Aldo, and Aldo is able to escape out. Florian gets tagged with a short uppercut. Florian ducks under an Aldo punch and shoots in again, but Aldo escapes out of it. Kenny Florian has Aldo pressed against the cage. Florian picks up Aldo’s right leg, but Aldo is able to get it back to the ground. Kenny Florian lands some knees to the body of Jose Aldo. The round ends with both fighters pressed against the cage. 10-9 round for Florian.
Round 2:
Florian ducks under an Aldo punch and misses the takedown, but lands a right hand. Florian throws out a superman punch but misses. Florian flicking his jab out there, and gets caught with a left hook but Aldo. Florian holding the center of the ring, and Aldo seems hesitant to pull the trigger on his punches. Florian lands a body kick. Aldo lands a right uppercut. Florian throws out a high kick that is blocked by Aldo. Florian lands an inside leg kick, and Aldo lands two consecutive outside leg kicks. Aldo lands a straight right hand. Florian lands a jab. Florian lands another jab. Aldo lands an inside leg kick, and Florian lands an inside leg kick of his own. Florian throws a high kick that is partially blocked. Aldo throws out a head kick that partially lands, but then Aldo lands a hard straight right hand. Florian lands an inside leg kick and then a jab. Aldo lands another straight right hand. Florian lands an outside leg kick that causes Aldo to briefly lose his balance. Florian shoots in on a single leg takedown near the fence at the end of the round, but Aldo is able to shrug it off. 10-9 round for Aldo.
Round 3:
Florian lands an outside leg kick. Aldo misses an outside leg kick, and Florian lands a body kick. Aldo lands a hard jab, and a hard straight right hand. Aldo barely misses a front kick to the chin of Florian. Aldo sidesteps a Florian jab. Aldo lands an inside leg kick and follows it with a two punch combination that clearly lands. Florian is limping due to the damage sustained by his right leg. Florian lands a jab, but Aldo then lands a two punch combination. Florian shoots in but Aldo stuffs it and gets into mount position. Florian hip escapes into half guard, but Aldo transitions into side control. Florian is able to get back into half guard, but Aldo is fighting to get back into side control. Florian lands a back first from his back on Aldo. Florian eating some short fists from Jose Aldo. Florian pushing Aldo back and throws some upkicks. Aldo lands a hard elbow on Florian. Florian is back to his feet. Florian shoots in on a single leg takedown but Aldo is able to stuff it. 10-9 round for Aldo.
Round 4:
Florian throws out and lands an inside leg kick. Aldo lands an inside leg kick. Florian lands a short back fist, and attempts a spinning backfist but misses. A straight right lands for Aldo. Aldo and Florian briefly clinch in the center of the right, but then release. Aldo lands a straight right. Florian shoots in on another takedown but is stuffed again, Aldo lands a left knee to the face of Florian. Florian presses Aldo against the fence and lands some knees to the inside thight of Aldo. Florian picks up the outside single leg, but Aldo is able to escape out of it. Florian ducks under an Aldo punch and shots in again but misses. Florian throws out a high kick that is blocked. Florian gets stuffed on another takedown. Florian clinches with Aldo against the cage, and lands a knee to the body of Aldo. Florian’s corner is screaming and complaining that Aldo is grabbing the fence. Florian shoots in on a single leg again. Aldo stays on his feet and escapes again. Aldo lands a straight right and a body shot. Aldo lands a left hook, and Florian shoots in on a takedown again. Florian clinches with Aldo against the fence, but is unable to get the takedown. Aldo lands a straight right after shooting a flying knee as the round ends. 10-9 round for Aldo.
Round 5:
Florian flicks out his jab but doesn’t land. Florian dodges two punches by Aldo. Florian again shoots in on a takedown attempt and presses Aldo against the cage. The crowd is starting to boo, and Florian again picks up the leg of Aldo and isn’t able to finish the takedown. Florian goes for a knee strike but slips to the ground. Florian tries to sit up but eats a jab from Aldo. Florian tries to go for a leg submission but Aldo gets into Florian’s guard. Aldo lands a short elbow, and transitions into full mount position. Florian creates some space and attempts to scoot out the back door. Florian back into half guard position. Florian gets back to his feet and is in a clinch with Aldo against the cage. Florian has some blood coming from his nose. The referee separates the fighters from the clinch. They are back to the clinch position against the cage, with not much action going on. Florian rotates position and has Aldo’s back against the cage. Florian seperates and throws some strikes, and throws a flying knee. Aldo lands a knee to the body, and the round is over. 10-9 round for Aldo.
The official scores are 49-46, 49-46, and 49-46 for Jose Aldo.
In the post-fight interview Aldo gave credit to Florian for being a strategic fighter, and expected Florian to try to pin him against the cage, and he knew he had to be able to defend it. Aldo also acknowledged that the threat of a Florian takedown prevented him from throwing an inside leg kick.
Gray Maynard (11-0-1) vs. Frankie Edgar (13-1-1); Lightweight Championship
Round 1:
Maynard appears to be the much larger fighter. Edgar throws an uppercut and a double jab but doesn’t have his range. Edgar lands a short left hook. Maynard throws and misses with an overhand right. Edgar throws out a straight left but misses. Edgard ducks out of the way of a two punch Maynard combination. Edgar fakes a combo and shoots in on a double leg takedown. Edgar in tight with a body lock but then separates. Maynard throws a high leg kick but misses. Maynard hits Edgar with a hard uppercut and Edgar is hurt. Frankie Edgar tries to shoot in on a takedown but misses. Edgar is obviously woozy and lands a straight right hand. Maynard lands a straight right hand. Edgar still a little wobbily. A straight right hand by Maynard knocks Edgar down. Maynard is landing some hammer fists and Edgar gets back to his feet. Frankie Edgar is in full survival mode. Maynard lands another uppercut, and Edgar lands a straight right hand. Edgar eats another straight right hand from Maynard. Maynard lands another hard knee and blood is pouring out of the nose of Frankie Edgar. Edgar is on his horse trying to avoid the shots of Maynard. Maynard lands a hard right hook. Maynard comes forward and lands a short left hook. Great round for Maynard. 10-8 for Gray Maynard.
Round 2:
Maynard comes out bouncing on his toes. Edgar throws out and misses with a front kick. Edgar is switching from orthodox stance to southpaw stance, trying to keep his opponent guessing. Maynard throws out a left hook and misses. Edgar connects with a body head combination. Edgar comes forward and drives a leg kick to the outside leg of Maynard. Edgar ducks under a Maynard punch and lands a body shot. Maynard tags Edgar with a straight right hand. Edgar attempts a switch kick but misses. Edgar lands an inside leg kick. Edgar comes forward and connects with a straight right hand. Maynard lands a straight right hand. Edgar shoots in on a takedown and Maynard is able to stuff it. Edgar comes forward and lands a body shot on Gray Maynard. Edgar lands an inside leg kick. Maynard throws and slips while attempting a straight right hand. Edgar lands a body shot and a straight right hand. Edgar lands a short jab. Edgar lands a left right hook combination. 10-9 round for Frankie Edgar.
Round 3:
Edgar comes out and throws a jab but connects with an inside leg kick. Edgar lands a short jab. Edgar lands two shots to the body of Maynard. Edgar lands two punches to the ribs of Maynard and Maynard lands a knee to the body. Edgar ducks under three punches from Maynard. Edgar lands another outside leg kick. Edgar shoots in on an outside single but lets go. Edgar lands another short jab. Edgar lands another outside leg kick, and Maynard lands a hard inside leg kick. Edgar connects with a straight right hand after faking a takedown. Maynard connects with an overhand right. Edgar showing incredible footwork the past two rounds. Edgar lands another leg kick. Maynard partially connects with an uppercut. Edgar connects with a very nice straight right hand. Edgar lands an outside leg kick and scoots out of the right hand of Gray Maynard. Maynard misses with a left hook. Edgar with a nice body head combination. Maynard barely misses with a haymaker right. Edgar dodges in with another three punch combination, and artfully dodges out of danger. Edgar ducks under a Maynard right hand and lands a body kick. 10-9 round for Frankie Edgar.
Round 4:
Maynard comes out and throws out two jabs but misses. Edgar comes forward and connects with a straight right. Edgar connects with an inside leg kick. Maynard blcoks a left hook from Edgar. Edgar shoots in on a double leg but quickly lets it go. Edgar connects with a beautiful two punch combination. Edgar connects with another inside leg kick. Maynard shoots in on a takedown but Edgar easily stuffs it. Edgar slipping the punches of Maynard. Edgar connects with a straight right hand that might have hurt Maynard. Edgar connects with an uppercut, but then eats a straight right counter from Maynard. Edgar connects with another overhand right, and connects with two leg kicks in a row. Crowd is chanting Frankie’s name. Maynard shoots in on an outside single leg but Edgar is able to avoid it. Edgar lands another outside leg kick. Edgar lands a straight left hand. Edgar lands a body head combination on Maynard again. Edgar artfully dodging the punches of Maynard. Edgar shoots in and as they seperate hits Maynard with an uppercut and hurts Maynard badly. Edgar follows through with more shots and a straight right hand that causes Maynard to fall to the floor. A few more punches and Maynard is finished, and the referee stops the fight. Another great and exciting fight from both of these competitors, as Edgar retains his title.
Frankie Edgar wins by TKO at 3:54 of round 4.
In Frankie Edgar’s post fight interview he acknowledged that he was hurt in round one from Gray Maynard. Frankie Edgar dedicates his victory to his family and teammates, and he certainly won over some new fans with his trilogy with Gray Maynard.
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