By: William Holmes
Timothy Bradley (30-0) and Juan Manuel Marquez (55-6-1) met in the main event of the night for the WBO Welterweight Title. The crowd in Las Vegas had filled the arena. It was decidedly pro Marquez and he was the first man to walk out into the ring.
Photo: Chris Farina/Top Rank
Timothy “Desert Storm” Bradley came out second dressed in camouflage ring attire. Robert Bird was the referee for this bout.
The round by round results follow below:
Rd 1:
Bradley fires out two quick jabs. Both fighters appear to be a little tense early on. Bradley sticks a jab in the gut of Marquez and Marquez counters with a jab of his own. Bradley is moving away from Marquez’s power hand. Marquez lands a short left hook. Bradley sticks another jab to the body of Marquez. Bradley with another jab to the body of Marquez. Bradley ducks under a Marquez lead hook. Marquez lands a good left uppercut on Bradley. Marquez sticks another jab in on Bradley. Marquez lands a good left hook and Bradley leads in with a headbutt. Bradley lands a left hook to the body. Both fighters land a jab. Bradley sticks Marquez with another jab near the end of the round.
10-9 Marquez, very close round.
Rd 2:
Before the round Bradley could be heard saying “He’s solid.”
Bradley throws a triple jab. Bradley leads with a left hook. Marquez lands an overhand right on Bradley. Good left hook to the body by Bradley. Good left uppercut by Bradley. Bradley sticks two jabs in the body of Marquez. Bradley lands another jab on Marquez. Bradley lands a counter left and Marquez does not land any clean shots in return. Bradley lands a hard right hand on Marquez. Bradley might have landed a low blow on Marquez. Marquez lands a left hook. Good exchange at the end of the round and Bradley gets the better of Marquez.
10-9 Bradley
Rd 3:
Both fighters come out for the third round more cautiously. Bradley misses with a lead left hook. Bradley lands a counter left after Marquez throws to the body. Bradley snaps another good jab on Marquez and a left hook to the body. Bradley sticks another jab in the body of Marquez. Marquez with a counter right hand. Bradley sticks two jabs in the face of Marquez. Marquez counters Bradley with a right hand. Bradley is able to turn on Marquez’s straight right hand to make him miss.
10-9 Bradley
Rd 4:
Bradley comes out throwing combinations. Bradley hits Marquez with another jab. Bradley counters Marquez with a right hook upstairs. Referee stops the bout and tells Marquez’s corner to take grease off of his body. Bradley barely misses with a looping right hand. Bradley sticks another jab in the face of Marquez. Marquez is looking confident. Marquez with an overhand right. Marquez connects with a two punch combination to the body of Bradley. Bradley lands a 1-2 combination and then is able to move out of the way of Marquez’s right. Good exchange by both fighters at the end of the round.
10-9 Bradley
Rd 5:
Bradley is the more active fighter of the two. Bradley and Marquez exchange hooks to the body. Bradley’s jab has been effective so far. Bradley lands a good left hook but Marquez takes it well. Marquez with a combination to the body of Bradley. Bradley barely misses a straight right hand. Bradley lands a good two punch combination. Marquez connects with a good jab. Bradley’s jab is really on point this round. Bradley lands a short left hook. Marquez gets hit with a jab at the end of the round and the crowd explodes.
10-9 Bradley
Rd 6:
Bradley goes back to his jab at the start of the sixth round. Bradley lands a crisp counter right hand from a crouched position. Bradley connected with a wicked straight right hand. Marquez tags Bradley with a counter left hook. Marquez connects with a good left hook and Bradley answers with a left hook of his own. Marquez lands a good jab and they exchange in the middle of the ring. Bradley sticks two more jabs in the face of Marquez.
10-9 Marquez
Rd 7:
Bradley gets tagged by a jab from Marquez. Bradley connects with a lead left hook. Bradley sticks two more jabs in the face of Marquez. Bradley lands a looping right hand after a Marquez jab. Bradley sticks another jab in the face of Marquez. Bradley is showing good head movement in this round. Bradley sticks two more jabs in the face of Marquez. Marquez is looking slow. Marquez lands a good jab. Bradley snaps a hard jab.
10-9 Bradley
Rd 8:
Marquez gets popped by Marquez near the ropes. Bradley lands a good straight right hand and followed it up with a jab. Bradley lands a good two punch combination. Marquez lands a good straight right hand on Bradley. Bradley snaps two jabs in the face of Marquez. Good left uppercut by Bradley on Marquez. Bradley lands a two punch combination. Good left hook by Bradley. Marquez sticks a jab in Marquez’ face. Bradley is looking very strong this round. Marquez lands a good boddy shot near the end of the round.
10-9 Bradley
Rd 9:
Bradley lands a quick double left hook on Marquez. Marquez lands a left hook upstairs and follows it up with one downstairs. Marquez connects with a straight right. Bradley sticks Marquez with two more jabs. Bradley lands two body shots on Marquez. They both land a jab at the same time. Marquez with a straight right hand. Marquez lands a three punch combination on Bradley near the ropes. Bradley lands a hard right hand upstairs. Bradley slips an overhand right from Marquez. Marquez lands a hard right hand and straight left. Marquez’s best round of the night.
10-9 Marquez
Rd 10:
Bradley snaps out a triple jab towards Marquez but misses. The crowd is chanting for Marquez. Marquez gets hit with a two punch combination from Bradley. Marquez hits Bradley with a combination and Bradley hurts Marquez with a left hook that hurts Marquez. Bradley ducks a wild hook from Marquez. Bradley barely misses with an overhand right. Bradley snaps a jab in the face of Marquez. Bradley landed a good right hand on Marquez as he comes forward.
10-9 Bradley
Rd 11:
Both fighters look light on their feet. Bradley dodges a right cross from Marquez. Marquez tags Bradley after they clinch. Marquez lands a short right uppercut. Bradley connects with two good body punmches. Marquez lands a left hook to the body. They both land jabs at the same time. Bradley lands a counter left hook on Marquez. Marquez barely misses with a right cross.
10-9 Marquez
Rd 12:
Fighters touch gloves before the start of the last round. Marquez misses a bomb of a right hand. Crowd is loudly cheering Marquez on. Marquez lands a solid jab on Bradley. Marquez is stalking Bradley around the ring. Marquez lands a hard straight right hand. Bradley lands an overhand right. Marquez lands a short right cross. Bradley lands a good two punch combination. Marquez lands a left hook. Good jab from Bradley. Good exchange at the end of the round and Bradley buckles Marquez’s knees with a left hook..
10-9 Bradley
Excellent fight with some very violent exchanges. Both fighters go to their corners and raise their hands as if they won.
The final scores were 115-113 Marquez, 115-113 Bradley, 116-112 Bradley.