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Mayweather vs. Canelo Round by Round Results: Mayweather Proves He’s Simply the Best

By: William Holmes

The most anticipated fight in years took place tonight at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada as Floyd Mayweather Jr. (44-0) and Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (42-0) went toe to toe in the junior middleweight division.


The Mexico National Anthem was sung first by Pedro Fernandez and the American National Anthem was sung second by Tank.

Canelo Alvarez was the first fighter to walk in to the ring and the crowd loudly serenaded him as he made his entrance. Floyd Mayweather Jr. walked out and was accompanied by Lil Wayne and Justin Bieber.


The round by round results for “The One” follow below:

Round 1:

Mayweather and Canelo both looked extremely confident at the start of the fight. Mayweather came right out to the center of the ring and lands an early jab. Canelo lands a jab to the body of Mayweather. Mayweather lands two hooks to the body and head of Canelo. The crowd is loudly cheering on Canelo. Mayweather lands another solid jab to the face of Canelo. Canelo looks a lot bigger inside the ring than Mayweather. Mayweather is able to avoid the punches of Canelo so far. Mayweather sticks another jab in the face of Canelo. Mayweather pops another jab on Canelo. Canelo lands a short counter left hook on Mayweather. A clear 10-9 round for Mayweather.

Round 2:

Canelo connects with his first good jab of the night. Mayweather misses with a lead left hook. Mayweather tags Canelo with another jab. The crowd begins to chant “Mexico” loudly. Canelo lands a straight right hand to the body of Mayweather. Canelo backs Mayweather up with another right hand to the body. Mayweather barely misses with a right uppercut. Mayweather lands a straight right hand. Mayweather sticks another jab in the face of Canelo. Canelo punches the shoulder of Mayweather. Canelo lands a lead left hook on Mayweather. Mayweather answers with a lead left hook and then a straight right hand. 10-9 Mayweather.

Round 3:

Canelo tags Mayweather with a straight right hand. Canelo lands a lead left hook but gets smothered by Mayweather as he comes forward. Mayweather tags Canelo with another good jab. Canelo connects to the body of Mayweather. Mayweather’s jab is landing at will. Mayweather lands a lead right hand. Mayweather hits Canelo with a jab and then moves out of the way. Canelo lands a jab and Mayweather moves out of the way of a sweeping hook to the body. Very close round. 10-9 Mayweather.

Round 4:

Mayweather ducks under one of Canelo’s jabs but is later hit with a sneaky left hook by Canelo. Canelo throws a double left hook but is later hit with a straight right hand. Canelo lands a right hand to the body but later gets hit with a right punch from Mayweather. Canelo hit Mayweather with a low blow. Mayweather tries to touch gloves with Canelo but Canelo does not touch gloves. Mayweather lands a good jab and they both exchange and land body punches. Alvarez lands a good combination to the body of Mayweather and then a straight right hand. Mayweather lands about four jabs in a row and then a counter left hand on Canelo. Mayweather lands a good straight right hand on Canelo near the end of the round. 10-9 Mayweather.

Round 5:

Canelo lands an early jab on Mayweather. Mayweather connects with a counter right hand on Canelo. Canelo goes to the body of Mayweather. Mayweather lands straight right hand on Canelo. Mayweather lands a double left hook on Canelo. Canelo lands a jab and Mayweather hits Canelo with a short left hook. Canelo lands a counter right uppercut on Mayweather. Canelo lands a double jab on Mayweather. Canelo stabs a jab at the body of Mayweather. Mayweather lands a very quick sweeping left hook on Canelo. 10-9 Mayweather

Round 6:

Mayweather still ooks fresh inside the ring. Canelo bangs two hooks to the body of Mayweather. Mayweather counters Canelo with two right hooks. Canelo connects on Mayweather’s chin with a lead left hook. Canelo connects with another left hook but Mayweather lands with a right hook of his own. Canelo lands a decent right cross on Mayweather. Canelo bangs another right hand to the body of Mayweather, and Mayweather answers with a straight right hand. Canelo lands a cunter left hand on Mayweathe near the end of the round. Closest round of the night. 10-9 Canelo.

Round 7:

Canelo throws to jabs to the body of Mayweather. Mayweather sticks another jab in the nose of Canelo. Mayweather hits Canelo with another jab. Mayweather hurts Canelo with a quick three punch combination and then three straight jabs. Canelo lands an uppercut and a decent jab. Mayweather’s defense is very good this round so far. Mayweather lands a very good right uppercut on Canelo and Canelo backs into a corner. Canelo is stuck by the ropes and was trying to bait him. Canelo connects with a lead left hand near the end of the round. 10-9 Mayweather.

Round 8:

Mayweather hits Canelo with another jab. Canelo bangs a combination to the body of Mayweather. Mayweather easily moves out of the way of Canelo’s offense. Canelo is pressuring Mayweather but gets hit with a jab before Canelo can throw a punch. Canelo bangs another combination to the body of Mayweather. Mayweather lands a short left hook on Canelo. Canelo lands another combination on the body of Mayweather. Mayweather is dancing away from the corner. Canelo lands another combination to the body of Mayweather near the ropes. Mayweather lands a solid right hand to the face of Canelo. Another close round, but still have to score it for Mayweather. 10-9 Mayweather.

Round 9:

Canelo again tries to trap Mayweather but Mayweather is able to move out of the way easily. Mayweather is blocking nearly every punch that Canelo throws. Canelo sticks two jabs in the body of Mayweather but Mayweather answers with a straight right hand. Mayweather connects with a beautiful right uppercut on Canelo. Canelo looks tired. Mayweather lands a hard straight right hand on Canelo. Mayweather shoulder rolls Canelo’s attack, again. Mayweather double jabs Canelo. Mayweather jacks Canelo with another straight right hand. 10-9 Mayweather.

Round 10:

Mayweather is cruising to a decision victory. Canelo barely misses with a straight right hand. Mayweather snaps another quick jab to the face of Canelo. Canelo misses badly with another combination on Mayweather. Mayweather has Canelo backed up near the ropes and is making this fight look easy. Canelo lands his best punch of the night, a straight right hand near the ropes, but Mayweather doesn’t look phased by it. Mayweather has never looked better. 10-9 Mayweather.

Round 11:

Canelo needs a knockout to win. Canelo hits Mayweather with a right cross to the body. Canelo barely misses with a wild right hook. Canelo lands another right hook to the body. Canelo lands a decent jab on Mayweather but Mayweather answers with a hard straight right hand. Mayweather lands two quick jabs and a short left hook. Mayweather lands a hard right hook. Mayweather’s lead left hook snaps the head of Canelo. Mayweather sticks two more jabs in the face of Canelo. Canelo misses badly with a right hook. 10-9 Mayweather.

Round 12:

They touch gloves before the start of the last round. Canelo needs to be recklessly aggressive in order to get a knockout. Mayweather looks incredibly fresh inside the ring. Mayweather is dancing around the ring and dares Canelo to try and punch him. Mayweather is very light on his feet and makes Canelo miss wildly. The crowd boos Mayweather for dancing around the ring. Mayweather has made this fight look easy.

The final scores were 114-114, 116-112, and 117-111.



  1. mknunmwduc

    11/17/2024 at 12:00 am

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?


    01/16/2025 at 11:00 am

    This is one awesome blog post.Much thanks again. Keep writing.

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