By: William Holmes
The alleged final fight of Floyd Mayweather’s career and his attempt to tie the 49-0 record of Rocky Marciano occurred tonight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Ticket sales were rumored to be lackluster heading into this card, but the venue appeared mostly full by the time of the end of the final undercard bout. The undercard delivered in action and competitiveness, though the crowd appeared flat for the fight of the night between Martinez and Salido.
The National Anthem of Haiti was sung by Wyclef and Melky Jean and the national anthem of the United States was sung by Victoria Monet.
Andre Berto came out first to a lukewarm reaction from the crowd. Floyd Mayweather Jr. came out second flocked by his usual entourage including Justin Bieber.
Floyd Mayweather Jr. (48-0) vs. Andre Berto (30-3); WBC/WBA Welterweight Title
Round One:
Mayweather has a considerable reach and height advantage on Berto and its immediately apparent. Mayweather lands an early jab and a lead left hook upstairs. Mayweather connects with another jab and follows it with a jab to the body. Lead left hook by Mayweather. Another lead left hook by Mayweather. Straight right by Mayweather to Berto’s chin. Quick jab by Mayweather. Berto is a little short with his jab. Jab to the body by Mayweather, followed by a lead left hook upstairs. Berto lands a quick jab. Mayweather with a lead left hook. Mayweather lands several short shots to the body when tied up. Mayweather able to tie up with Berto when he gets in tight. Mayweather connects with another lead left hook. Sharp jab from Mayweather. Mayweather misses with a lead right and ducks under Berto.
10-9 Mayweather
Round Two:
Berto is short with an early jab. Berto rushes forward and Mayweather ties up with him. Mayweather with a jab to the body. Mayweather jab to the head. Another quick jab from Mayweather. Mayweather ties up and lands short punches to the body. Berto misses with two jabs. Mayweather lands his jab. The crowd is dead silent. Berto is short with three more jabs and then gets tied up by Mayweather. Mayweather misses with a wild lead left hook. Mayweather is very evasive as usual. Berto throws three right hands but misses every punch. Mayweather lands a lead left hook. Berto lands a jab. Mayweather ducks every punch easily.
10-9 Mayweather, 20-18 Mayweather
Round Three:
Mayweather connects with a lead straight right hand and follows it with a sharp jab. Berto misses with a two punch combination. Berto misses with a triple jab and Mayweather answers with two jabs to the body followed by a three punch combination. Berto misses high with a straight right. Berto is short with all of his punches. Mayweather with a jab. Berto can’t land anything. Mayweather lands a straight right hand and Mayweather slips. Mayweather with another jab. Berto misses four punches in a row. Berto misses with a double jab and a straight right hand. Mayweather connects with a lead left hook.
10-9 Mayweather, 30-27 Mayweather
Round Four:
Berto coming forward on Mayweather while Mayweather keeps a high guard and circles away. Berto throws a jab to the body of Mayweather. Berto is short with two more jabs. Berto misses with a two punch combination. Berto finally lands a straight right but Mayweather is quick to tie up. Berto lands a short shot then gets tied up. Mayweather with two sharp jabs. Mayweather connects with a lead left hook. Berto misses with a straight right hand. Mayweather ducks under a jab from Berto. Mayweather lands a big right hand that may have hurt Berto. Berto lands a straight right on Mayweather. Berto misses with two jabs and then ties up with Mayweather. Berto landed a couple of punches, but not nearly enough to win the round.
10-9 Mayweather, 40-36 Mayweather
Round Five:
Berto’s corner could be heard urging him to take this fight. Berto lands a jab and a hook to the body. He also connects with a short uppercut inside. Mayweather lands a stiff jab. Mayweather connects with a straight right hand. They exchange short shots by the ropes. Berto lands a few shots to the body of Mayweather. They tie up again and the referee is quick to break them up. Berto focusing his attack to the body of Mayweather. Berto gets warned for a low blow, and Mayweather throws a jab to the body. Mayweather with a good sharp jab. Berto is chasing Mayweather and may have landed a short right hand. Berto lands a good right hook. Mayweather with two sharp jabs. Berto misses four punches and gets hit with a short uppercut by Mayweather. Berto misses a four punch combination. Mayweather wins the round, but Berto’s activity was good.
10-9 Mayweather, 50-45 Mayweather
Round Six:
Berto is short with three straight jabs. Berto is coming at Mayweather and connecting with several good body shots. Berto lands a good hard jab on Mayweather. Mayweather attacks the body of Berto. Crowd cheering on the action. Good lead left uppercut by Mayweather followed by several short body shots. Good lead right by Mayweather. Two good jabs from Mayweather. Berto misses with a wild right hand. Berto connects with a short left hand. Good lead left hook by Mayweather. Mayweather lands another left hook to Berto’s chin. Mayweather lands a sharp jab to the body. Berto lands a right hand and follows it with a jab. Berto had Mayweather backed up to the corner as the round came to an end.
10-9 Mayweather, 60-54 Mayweather
Round Seven:
Berto short with a jab to open up the round. Mayweather gets backed into a corner but Berto fails to land anything significant. Good right uppercut by Mayweather. Quick two punch combination from Mayweather. Berto with a good hook to the body of Mayweather. Berto leans in on Mayweather’s body and tries to land short shots to the body. Berto rushes forward and Mayweather leans in on Berto’s head. Mayweather with two sharp jabs. Berto misses four punches in a row. Berto connects with a short left hook when in tight. Berto is unable to land anything clean when he’s in tight on Mayweather. Berto lands a good left hook on Mayweather. Berto lands a good jab at the end of the round.
10-9 Mayweather, 70-63 Mayweather
Round Eight:
Berto has more of a bounce in his step then in previous rounds. Mayweather is keeping Berto at bay with his jab. Mayweather with two sharp jabs and Berto misses four jabs. Berto lands a short jab. Mayweather ducks under a Berto right cross. Mayweather with a good two punch combination. Jab to the body by Mayweather. Mayweather with a good straight right to Berto’s head. Berto lands a jab when Mayweather’s back is to the ropes. Berto gets tagged by a Mayweather hook. Mayweather starting to showboat a little bit and the crowd boos. Berto misses three jabs in a row. Mayweather is very light on his feet this round and is almost toying with Berto.
10-9 Mayweather, 80-72 Mayweather
Round Nine:
Berto tries to walk Mayweather into a corner and connects with a jab but Mayweather immediately ties up. Berto misses with an up jab, and later misses a right cross. Berto misses with another right cross. Mayweather with a jab to the body. Berto misses two jabs. Berto with a few short hooks to the body. Berto is going to the body of Mayweather. Mayweather lands a clean short uppercut while Berto misses wildly. Berto misses a wild overhand right. Mayweather is landing at a high rate despite not throwing a lot of punches. Mayweather connects with a lead left hook. Mayweather engages in a rare firefight with Berto and gets the better of his opponent.
10-9 Mayweather, 90-81 Mayweather
Round Ten:
Berto misses two jabs in a row again. Mayweather is staying at a safe distance and lands a few jabs. Berto comes forward and throws several punches but maybe lands only one left hand. Mayweather connects with a jab to Berto’s face. Berto misses with a jab. Both boxers could be seen jawing at each other and the referee tells them to stop the chatter and fight. Mayweather with a quick jab to the head of Berto. Berto lands a right hook to the body. Mayweather with a clean straight to Berto’s chin. Mayweather clowning to the crowd and sticks his tongue out. Berto may have landed a straight right hand. The crowd is dead for this fight. Berto lands a few short hooks to the body. Maybe you can give this round to Berto.
10-9 Berto, 99-91 Mayweather
Round Eleven:
Berto walks Mayweather back to the ropes and misses a wild right hand. Berto is short with four jabs in a row and Mayweather ties up. Berto misses with a jab. Mayweather lands two good lead left hooks in a row and Berto misses two jabs. Mayweather sticks his forearm in the face of Berto, and he lands a lead left hook and follows it with a right uppercut. Berto throws a double jab and then gets tied up by Mayweather. Mayweather lands another lead left hook. Mayweather with a short jab and two body shots. Mayweather with a good three punch combination and continues to toy with Berto. Mayweather lands a straight right hand and then begins to clown around.
10-9 Mayweather, 109-100 Mayweather
Round Twelve:
Mayweather lands a quick jab and Berto misses two of his jabs. Berto lands a short right hook to the body. Berto misses with two jabs. Berto misses wild with two left hoks. Mayweather lands a good lead left hook. Mayweather could be seen shaking his head no when Mayweather tries to land some shots to the body. Berto catches Mayweather by surprised by landing a left hook, but Mayweather later answers with a left hook and right uppercut. Mayweather lands a jab and short right uppercut on Berto. Berto is hurt and Mayweather lands a good combination on Berto who is forced to tie up. Mayweather lands a sharp counter right hand and then a stiff jab to the body. Mayweather lands a left uppercut and two right hooks. Mayweather circles away the last ten seconds of the fight.
10-9 Mayweather, 119-109 Mayweather
The only round Boxing Insider gave to Berto was the tenth round, and that may have been a gift.
The official scores were 117-111, 118-110, 120-108 for Floyd Mayweather.
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