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HBO PPV Undercard: Canelo vs Mosley Results: Canelo Beats Mosley, Quintana & Vargas Win

By William Holmes

The Floyd Mayweather vs Miguel Cotto Results will be posted on a separate page.

Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (39-0) vs. Shane Mosley (46-7); WBC Super Welterweight

Photo: Tom Hogan/ Hogan PhotosChampionship

Round 1:

Mosley came out firing his jab and Alvarez was back peddling on the outside of the ring. Mosley threw a lazy jab to the stomach and head of Alvarez. Mosley doubled up with his jab again at the guard of Alvarez. Mosley slipped a jab past the guard of Alvarez. Alvarez landed a stiff jab in the middle of the face of Mosley. Alvarez landed a jab to the body of Mosley, and Mosley attacked the body of Alvarez in return. Mosley stuck another jab in the face of Alvarez. Mosley landed another jab in the face of Alvarez. Alvarez landed a shot to the body of Mosley. Alvarez landed a left hook upstairs on Mosley near the end of the round. Close swing round, 10-9 Mosley but he did look slow.

Round 2:

Mosley again came out trying to land his jab, and Alvarez circled away on the outside. Mosley partially landed a right hook, and Alvarez stick a solid jab in the middle of the face of Mosley. Mosley duck under an overhand right from Alvarez. Alvarez landed a good left hook to the body of Mosley. Alvarez came forward with his guard up high, and Alvarez landed a good two punch combination. Mosley landed a good two punch combination to the body and head of Alvarez. Alvarez landed a flush lead left hook upstairs on Mosley. Alvarez landed another flush lead left hook upstairs on Mosley. 10-9 round for Alvarez.

Round 3:

Mosley came out for round three coming forward, and thudded a hard right hook of the guard of Alvarez. Alvarez landed a solid two punch combination on Mosley, and snuck in a strong right uppercut to the chin of Mosley. Alvarez connected with two good jabs, and a right cross to the jaw of Mosley. Another jab from Alvarez snaps the head of Mosley backwards. Alvarez connected with another right cross on Mosley. A head-butt caused a cut outside the left eye of Alvarez. Alvarez stuck another jab in the nose of Mosley. Alvarez had blood dropping down his chest, but he was clearly winning this round. 10-9 round for Alvarez.

Round 4:

Mosley threw out a double jab and ducked under a hook from Alvarez. Alvarez blocked a combination from Mosley, and landed a two punch combination of his own,. Alvarez landed a left hook to the body of Mosley, and Mosley answered with a left hook of his own. Alvarez flicked out a solid jab in the face of Mosley, and blistered a two punch combination on Mosley immediately afterwards. Alvarez landed another good jab and a left hook to the side of Mosley. Alvarez cracked Mosley with another two punch combination. Alvarez landed a good right uppercut on Mosley as he came forward. Mosley landed a decent straight right hand near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Alvarez.

Round 5:

Mosley landed an early jab and continued to come forward. Alvarez landed a good jab of his own. Mosley slips a jab from Alvarez, and Alvarez ducks under a two punch combination from Mosley. They tied up in the center of the ring and exchange short shots to the body. Alvarez ducked under another right cross from Mosley. Mosley landed two short hooks to the body of Alvarez, but Alvarez landed a solid straight left hand. Alvarez thudded Mosley with another good combination on Mosley by the ropes, but Mosley answered with a combo of his own. Alvarez landed two good right uppercuts. Closer round, but 10-9 for Alvarez.

Round 6:

Mosley landed an early double jab, and banged a right hook off the guard of Alvarez. Alvarez snuck in a jab on Mosley. They tie up by the ropes but get immediately separated by the referee. Mosley slips a right hook from Alvarez, and Mosley gets warned by the referee for holding on to the back of his head. Alvarez landed a solid right hook to the side of Mosley’s face. Alvarez landed two good left hooks to the side of Mosley’s head, and then connected with a two punch combination. Alvarez landed another good two punch combination. Alvarez banged a solid left hook to the body of Mosley. Alvarez backed Mosley up into the corner with another good combination. 10-9 round for Alvarez.

Round 7:

Mosley came right out with his jab in an attempt to stalk Alvarez, but he does not have the snap in his punches that he used to have when he was young. Mosley landed two hooks on the body of Alvarez, and Alvarez answered with two harder body shots. Alvarez connected with a flush jab, and then punched the guard of Mosley with a three punch combination. Alvarez blistered a four punch combination on Mosley in the middle of the ring. Alvarez tagged Mosley with another two punch combination. Mosley chased Alvarez around the corner but is unable to come up with an answer to the harder and more accurate punches of Alvarez. Mosley hangs on to Alvarez and almost takes him to the ground. 10-9 round for Alvarez.

Round 8:

Mosley tried to trap Alvarez near the ropes but was unable to land any hard punches on Alvarez. Alvarez snapped the head of Mosley again with a stiff jab, and Mosley landed a passive combination off the guard of Alvarez. Alvarez connected with a four punch combination and an overhand right. Alvarez landed a body shot and Mosley backed up in response. Alvarez pummeled Mosley with four punches by the corner, and Mosley is breathing heavily. Mosley connected on Alvarez with a good straight right hand. Mosley hit Alvarez with two good hooks to the body. Alvarez partially connected with an uppercut on Mosley. Alvarez checks Mosley with a left hook as the round ends. 10-9 round for Alvarez, but Mosley did better this round than in previous rounds.

Round 9:

Alvarez and Mosley both connected with jabs at the same time, but Alvarez aldned a jab to the body immediately afterwards. Alvarez rises up from the duck position and landed a good left hook to the temple. Mosley eats a jab and a short right cross from Alvarez. Alvarez landed two more punches to the body of Mosley. Alvarez rips a two punch combination on Mosley, and landed a solid jab. Mosley slips in a left hook to the side of Alvarez, and Alvarez fired off a combination that was mostly blocked. Alvarez digged a hook to the body of Mosley and followed it with a straight right hand on the chin of Mosley. Alvarez continued to assault the body of Mosley. The body work of Alvarez was starting to pay dividends, but Mosley surprised Alvarez with a straight right hand. 10-9 round for Alvarez.

Round 10:

Alvarez came forward and landed a lead left hook to the temple of Mosley. Mosley pawed two jabs in the middle of Alvarez’s face, and slips out of the way of punches from Alvarez. Mosley came forward with a lunging lead left hook but did not land cleanly. Alvarez connected with a lead left uppercut and a solid jab to the nose of Mosley. Alvarez ripped another good body shot to Mosley. Mosley landed two hooks to the body of Alvarez but they looked to do very little damage. Alvarez ripped a three punch combination and a straight right hand. 10-9 round for Alvarez.

Round 11:

Mosley got tagged with a hard left hook by Alvarez. Alvarez ripped another four punch combination on Mosley. Alvarez digged another good combination on the body of Mosley. Mosley connected with a straight right hand on Alvarez. Alvarez landed another combination on Mosley. Alvarez sticked another jab in the face of Mosley, and ripped another straight right hand on Mosley. Alvarez peppered Mosley with another three punch combination. 10-9 for Alvarez.

Round 12:

They touched gloves and hugged before the start of round 12. Alvarez landed an early hook to the side of Mosley’s face. Alvarez landed two punches to the body of Mosley. Alvarez snuck in an overhand right on Mosley as he came forward. Alvarez landed a lead left uppercut and a three punch combination. Alvarez tagged Mosley with another left hook and a hard two punch combination. Alvarez landed a short uppercut on Mosley that may have hurt him. 10-9 round for Alvarez.

At least Mosley fought this time, but Alvarez clearly won the fight.

The official scores were 119-109, 118-110, and 119-109 for Saul “Canelo” Alvarez.

Jessie Vargas vs Steve Forbes

Jesse Vargas (18-0) vs. Steve Forbes (35-10); Welterweight

Round 1:

Unlike last fight, both Vargas and Forbes came out in the orthodox stance. Forbes landed an early jab to the head and body of Vargas. Forbes missed with a triple jab. Forbes landed a quick jab to the body of Vargas. Forbes tripled up with his jab again but did not land any cleanly. Forbes tripled up with his jab and landed a late one. Vargas stuck a jab in the belly of Forbes. Vargas landed a quick jab and an overhand right to the temple of Forbes. Vargas doubled up with his jab and finished it with a hard one. Vargas brushes a lead left hook off the face of Forbes as he came in. Vargas landed another solid jab and misses with a sweeping right hook to the body. Vargas closed the round strong with an over the top right hand. 10-9 round for Vargas.

Round 2:

Vargas came out for round two and looked much more confident. He started off round two by landing several hard jabs. Vargas threw a jab hook combination and grazed the hook off the temple of Forbes. Vargas doubled up on his jab again and then landed a right hook to the body. Vargas tripled up on his jab and followed it with a double right hook. Vargas barely missed with a left hook, but landed a follow up jab to the head and body of Forbes. A jab from Vargas rocked the head of Forbes backwards. Vargas was clearly out landing Forbes in round 2. 10-9 for Vargas.

Round 3:

Forbes missed with an early jab, and Vargas stayed behind his more effective jab. Forbes threw a wild right hook to the body of Vargas but missed. Forbes doubled up with left hooks to the body and head of Vargas. Vargas doubled a left hook to the temple of Forbes. Vargas landed a good left hook to the body and followed it up with a straight right hand. Vargas thudded a right hook to the body of Forbes. Vargas cleanly landed a straight right hand and ducked a hook from Forbes. Another stiff jab landed for Vargas. Vargas stuck another jab in the belly of Forbes. 10-9 round for Vargas.

Round 4:

Forbes missed with a triple jab, and then ducked under a right cross from Vargas. Forbes landed a straight right hand, and then blocked a right hook from Vargas. Vargas stuck two jabs in the belly of Forbes. Forbes landed a good straight right hand down the middle on Vargas. Vargas landed a check left hook on Forbes. Forbes came forward with a triple jab but did not land any of his punches. Vargas missed with a sweeping hook to the body of Forbes. Vargas landed another good left hook to the body of Forbes. Forbes unleashed combinations to the body of Vargas. 10-9 round for Forbes as he looked better than in previous rounds.

Round 5:

Forbes missed with an early double left hook. Vargas landed a quick jab on Forbes and slips out of the way of several jabs from Forbes. Vargas landed a short right hook on Forbes. Vargas tied up with Forbes after Forbes missed with a right hook. Vargas landed a quick three punch combo in the center of the ring. Vargas landed a left hook and jab to the body of Forbes. 10-9 round for Vargas as the fight slowed to a crawl.

Round 6:

Forbes came out at the start of round six and took the center of the ring, but immediately ate two jabs from Vargas. Vargas stuck with his jab and mixed it up with some hooks to the body of Forbes. Vargas flicked several more jabs in the nose of Forbes and has been much more aggressive so far this round. Vargas landed two hard hooks to the body of Forbes, but also got hit by a jab from Forbes. Forbes landed a looping right hand. Vargas landed a straight right hand. 10-9 round for Vargas.

Round 7:

Forbes flicked out two jabs but they did not find its target. Vargas landed a jab in the stomach of Forbes. Fans were seen yawning in the crowd as the jab affair continued. Forbes missed with three jabs as he came forward again. Vargas landed two quick jabs upstairs and one downstairs. Vargas partially landed with a left hook to the temple of Forbes. Vargas landed a decent check left hook, and followed it up with jab. 10-9 round for Vargas.

Round 8:

Vargas landed several early jabs and avoids the counter jabs of Forbes. Forbes is unable to get in on the inside of Vargas, and Vargas landed a check left hook on Forbes. Vargas doubled up on his jab upstairs again on Forbes. Forbes landed a quick jab on Vargas. Vargas missed with a right hook, but landed a good overhand right on Forbes. Vargas stuck another jab in the face of Forbes. Vargas partially landed a two punch combination, and then landed a decent body shot on Forbes with his right hand. Vargas landed two left hooks to the body of Forbes. 10-9 round for Vargas.

Round 9:

Forbes corner was heard correctly telling him that he needs to put Vargas on his ass if he wants to win. Vargas stuck with his gameplan the past eight rounds with an effective jab thrown one at a time. Vargas landed a decent right cross off the chin of Forbes. Vargas and Forbes both landed jabs at the same time. Forbes came forward with a double jab but he did not land them. Forbes banged two short right hooks off the body of Forbes. Vargas caught Forbes with a check left hook as Forbes came forward. Vargas ducked down low and avoided the combination of Forbes. Forbes attempted to catch Vargas by the ropes with a combination but did not have the power to hurt or stop Vargas. Vargas was starting to look like he was tiring in round nine, but Forbes was not able to take advantage of it. 10-9 round for Vargas.

Round 10:

Forbes clearly needed the knockout in the last round if he wanted to win. Vargas stuck with his jab and seemed content with getting a decision victory. Vargas doubled up with his jab and landed the second one. Vargas attacked with several jabs and a cross to the body. Forbes rushes forward and they appeared to clash heads. Vargas landed a right uppercut on Forbes. Vargas danced away from the jabs of Forbes, and answered with effective jabs of his own. Vargas landed another jab in the nose of Forbes. Forbes was showing no sign of desperation despite clearly being behind on the cards. 10-9 round for Vargas.

The official scores were 100-90, 97-93, and 98-94 for Jesse Vargas.

DeAndre Latimore vs Carlos Quintana

Two fights were featured on the televised undercard before the Main Event between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Miguel Cotto and the lead in fight of Saul Alvarez and Shane Mosley. Deandre Latimore took on the tough veteran Carlos Quintana, and last minute replacement Steve Forbes battled the undefeated Jesse Vargas.

Round by round results for the undercard follows below.

Deandre Latimore (23-3) vs. Carlos Quintana (28-3); Light Middleweight

Photos: Tom Hogan/ Hogan Photos/ Golden Boy

Round 1:

Latimore and Quintana came out to the center of the ring, and Quintana threw out a few early jabs, but Latimore easily slipped them. Latimore landed the first stiff right jab. Both Quintana and Latimore fought out of the southpaw stance, and Quintana landed a three punch combination in the center of the ring. Latimore chased Quintana from the center of the ring, and Quintana circled on the outside and landed body shots when threatened by Latimore. Latimore landed a solid left hook to the body near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Quintana.

Round 2:

Quintana landed a few early jabs and a decent body head combination with his right hand. Latimore and Quintana both landed hooks at the same time. Latimore landed a low blow on Quintana, and the referee gave Quintana time to recover. Quintana’s jab was starting to find its range, and was able to keep Latimore from launching an effective attack. Latimore threw two lead right hooks, but neither land. Latimore connects with a short right uppercut to the chin of Quintana. Quintana does not have the speed of Latimore, but has landed more shots. The round ended with a cut developing near the right eye of Latimore. 10-9 round for Quintana, but closer round than the first.

Round 3:

Quintana landed a jab to the body and Latimore landed a stiffer jab to the face of Quintana. Latimore looked like he was fighting with more urgency in round 3, especially since the cut was of the variety to possibly stop a fight. Latimore barely catches Quintana with a right hook, and Quintana landed a shot to the body of Latimore. Quintana landed two jabs to the face of Latimore. Quintana was starting to attack the body of Latimore, and land two punch combinations in the center of the ring. Quintana stuck another jab in the stomach of Latimore, and two straight lefts down the pike landed on Latimore. Clean round for Quintana, 10-9 for him.

Round 4:

Quintana continued to pick Latimore apart with jabs from the outside, and straight left hands down the pike. Quintana was starting to open up more with combinations and the cut over Latimore’s left eye was starting to leak a little more. Quintana easily ducked under a two punch combination from Latimore. Latimore missed with a wild right uppercut, and Quintana stuck another jab in the belly of Latimore. Quintana landed a good left hook to the body of Latimore. 10-9 round for Quintana.

Round 5:

Quintana stuck an early jab in the belly of Latimore, and peppered the face of Latimore with two more jabs to his face. Quintana threw harder combinations at Latimore and he escaped to the safety of the corner of the ring. Latimore landed a clean straight left hand to the temple of Quintana. Quintana landed a good right hook to the side of Latimore’s face. Quintana stuck two more jabs in the face of Latimore, and was looking very comfortable in the ring. Latimore landed a good hook on Quintana. Quintana again backed Latimore up to the corner with hard combinations. Quintana landed a hard jab in the nose of Latimore. 10-9 round for Quintana.

Round 6:

Latimore started off round six with a good hook to the body, but it did not seem to faze Quintana. Quintana landed two quick jabs to the body of Latimore, and then followed it up with a body combination. Quintana landed a three punch combination leading and ending it with a straight left hand. Latimore thudded a left hook to the side of Quintana’s head. Quintana landed several short uppercuts, and landed hard combinations on Latimore by the corner and knocked him down with two straight left hands as Latimore was backing away from the corner. The referee began counting and the waived the fight off as Latimore struggled to get to his feet.

Big upset for Carlos Quintana. He won by TKO at 2:19 of round 6.

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