By: William Holmes
Mexican Alfredo Angulo takes on James Kirkland from Cancun, Mexico. Both fighters have had problems in recent years, as Kirkland was just released from prison and Angulo has had visa problems which has hindered his attempts in getting into the United States. Also on this card is a middleweight matchup between undefeated Peter Quillin and Craig McEwan.
Peter Quillin (25-0) vs. Craig McEwan (19-1); Middleweight
Round 1:
Quillin comes out and paws out his jab in an attempt to find his jab. Quillin lands a right cross. McEwan with a cross to the body of Quillin. Quillin lands a left hook on McEwan. McEwan lands a short jab. Quillin lands an uppercut to the body of McEwan. McEwan lands a jab to the body of Quillin, and rushes in but doesn’t land any significant punches. McEwan lands another jab to the body of Quillin. Quillin lands a straight right hand on McEwan. Quillin throws a double jab and lands the second one. Qullin lands another straight right and McEwan slips and his gloves touch the ground, and the referee calls it a slip. 10-9 round for Quillin.
Round 2:
Quillin lands a jab to the body of McEwan, and has a hook partially blocked. McEwan comes forward with a lead right hook that partially lands. Quillin lands a short right hook, and McEwan answers and connects with a left hook and a left straight hand. McEwan has Quillin against the ropes and lands a combination to the body of Quillin. Quillin lands a short right hook to the side of McEwan’s head. McEwan throws a straight left hand and connects to the body. Quillin lands another straight right hand. McEwan comes in close and lands some short right hands, and lands a hard right hook. Quillin answers with a straight right hand, and McEwan lands a left hand but Quillin answers with another very hard right hand. 10-9 round for Quillin and McEwan’s right eye shows signs of damage.
Round 3:
Quillin throws a two punch combination but misses. McEwan with a straight right hand to the body of Quillin. Quillin lands a check left hook on McEwan as he rushes forward. Quillin rushes forward and appears to clash heads with McEwan. McEwan ducks under a left hook of Quillin. Quillin lands an uppercut to the body of McEwan. Quillin ducks under a straight left hand of McEwan, and lands a straight right hand. Quillin glands an uppercut to the chin of McEwan and barely misses with a straight left and right. McEwan lands a hard jab on Quillin. Quillin lands a short left hook and McEwan tries to pressure Quillin with some short body shots. 10-9 round for Quillin.
Round 4:
McEwan lands an early jab, and Quillin lands a straight right hand to the body of McEwan. Quillin dodges out of the way of a McEwan punch and lands a left hook. Another straight right hand lands for Quillin, and Quillin lands a hard left hook to the head of McEwan. Quillin lands another hard left and right hand. Quillin lands a power right hand shot on McEwan. Fighters clinch by the ropes and McEwan lands a few short hooks to the body of Quillin. Quillin lands a lead left hook and the fighters then clinch. McEwan lands a straight left hand as the round ends. 10-9 round for Quillin.
Round 5:
Quillin lands a straight right hand to the body of McEwan. Quillin starts to throw wildly and doesn’t connect with much. Quillin lands a few jabs to the nose of McEwan. McEwan throws and lands a straight left hand. Quillin lands another check left hook on McEwan as he comes forward. Quillin lands a short left uppercut to the chin of McEwan. McEwan comes forward with a combination but Quillin ducks under it. Referee warns McEwan for coming forward with his head and of a possible headbutt. Quillin lands a short right hook, and McEwan goes to work on the body of Quillin. Better round for McEwan, but still 10-9 for Quillin.
Round 6:
Quillin lands a left hook and a straight right hand. McEwan throws a straight right hand to the body of Quillin. Quillin lands a straight right hand. Most of McEwan punches so far this fight have been blocked by Quillin. Quillin lands two left hooks to the side of McEwan’s head. McEwan coming forward and leaning on Quillin and working some short inside shots. Quillin lands two straight right hands and lands a beautiful left hook. Referee comes in and stops the fight giving Quillin the TKO victory. Very questionable stoppage by the referee and McEwan was not down on the ground at all during the fight and wasn’t given much of a chance to try and defend himself.
Alfredo Angulo (20-1) vs. James Kirkland (29-1); Junior Middleweight
Round 1:
Kirkland comes out to the center of the ring and lands a right corss to the body and a two punch combination upstairs. Angulo fires back and lands an uppercut. Kirkland backs Angulo up and Angulo lands a straight right hand that knocks Kirkland down. Referee gives Kirkland a standing eight count. Angulo comes forward and brings the pressure unleashing flurries on Kirkland against the ropes. A few right hands get through and tag Kirkland. Kirkland is fighting out of the corner but eating short uppercuts from Angulo. Angulo pounding on Kirkland form corner to corner. Angulo has hurt Kirkland with some hard body shots. Angulo throwing nonstop and pounding on Kirkland in the corner, bt Kirkland lands a nice uppercut on Angulo. Kirkland eating some more shots from Angulo, and Angulo looks punched out already. Kirkland comeing back and tags Angulo with a straight left hand. Kirkland with an overhand right and an uppercut, Angulo gets tagged by Kirkland with some very hard powershots, and Angulo is hurt in the corner and Angulo goes down from a left hook. . The referee gives Angulo a standing eight count. An incredible round ends, 10-9 Kirkland.
Photo: Roberto Fernandez – Hoganphotos/Golden Boy Promotions
Round 2:
Kirkland comes forward and lands a hard straight left hand. Kirkland tags Angulo with a hard left hand, and pounding on Angulo on the ropes with some hard uppercuts. Another straight left hand lands for Kirkland. Kirkland eats a left hook from Kirkland, and the fighters are exchanging blows by the corner of the ring. A straight left hand connects from Kirkland. Angulo lands a left hook to the body of Kirkland. The fighters are in the center of the ring and Angulo is starting to get his legs back. A straight left lands for Kirkland, and a left hook snaps the head of Angulo back. Kirkland lands an overhand left, but Angulo answers with a straight left hand. Fighters echanging in the corner and Kirkland is bringing some heavy pressure and shots on Angulo in the corner. Kirkland landing a few inside uppercuts and hooks. Angulo swinging hard with his back against the ropes. 10-9 for Kirkland.
Round 3:
Kirkland comes out throwing his jab and backing Angulo down. A straight right lands for Angulo and Kirkland answers with a straight right of his own. Fighters are exchanging frurioulsy again, as both fighters are swinging at an unbelievable rate. Angulo lands a nice combination to the body and finshes the combo with a right cross upstairs. Kirkland lands an overhand right and Angulo answers with a straight of his own. Kirkland lands a very nice right uppercut. Crowd starts chanting for Angulo, and Angulo lands a few jabs and a nice hook to the body of Kirkland. Angulo’s jab is starting to be more effective, and Angulo lands some more hard shots on Kirkland by the ropes. Angulo sticking behind his jab and is backing Kirkland up. Kirkland fighting off the corner, and ANgulo lands a nice body head combination and Kirkland answers with a combination of his own. Kirkland throwing his jab and landing nicely. A very hard straight right hand lands for Kirkland near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Angulo ins a close round.
Round 4:
Angulo lands some hard body shots, and the Angulo complains to the referee about something but the fight restarts. Kirkland lands some hard power combinations near the ropes and an uppercut sends ANgulo’s head snapping back. A straight right lands for Angulo, but Kirkland continues to stalk ANgulo and backs him to another corner and lands a few uppercuts. Angulo throwing some jabs to the body of Kirkland, but Kirkland’s jabs have more power and land at Angulo’s head. Kirkland with a nice straight right hand to the body of Angulo, and lands a left uppercut. Angulo now stuck near the corner and Kirkland lands some more hook uppercut combinations. A straight right hand lands for Angulo, but Kirkland lands a few hard jabs of his own. Just when you think Kirkland is starting to slow down, he comes forward firing with one two combinations causing Angulo to cover up. 10-9 round for Kirkland.
Round 5:
Kirkland comes out in round five and lands a straight right hand immediately Kirkland digs some hooks to the body of Angulo. Angulo covering up near the corner and Kirkland digs some hooks at the defenses of Angulo. Kirkland continuing to stlak ANgulo and lands a left hook to the head and some straight left hands. Angulo’s punches are starting to look slower and his face is puffing up. Angulo lands a nice left hook, and a straight hand to the body. Kirkland is landing some very hard straight right hands. Kirkland has been throwing some very nice right hook left uppercut combinations. Angulo lands a nice straight right hand, but Kirkland answers with a hard straight right of his own. Kirkland lands three right uppercuts to the body of Angulo. Kirkland is landing with some more combinations on Angulo near the ropes. Angulo clinches with Kirkland in an attempt to slow him down. Kirkland throws a nice lead left uppercut and four digging hooks to the body of Angulo. Kirkland lands a hard left uppercut near the end of the round. Kirkland has been beating Angulo from corner to corner of the ring. 10-9 round for Kirkland.
Round 6:
Angulo throws out a few lazy jabs, and Kirkland answers and connects with a jab of his own. Kirkland lands some straight left hands and hooks to the side of Angulo’s head. Kirkland landing some more hard shots on Angulo near the ropes. Angulo looks hurt as Kirkland lands some more heavy shots, and the referee stops the fight. Angulo was getting beat on badly by Kirkland and the referee correctly stopped the fight.
Photo: Roberto Fernandez – Hoganphotos/Golden Boy Promotions
James Kirkland wins by TKO in round 6. Kirkland showed incredible heart by surviving a knockdown in the first round to knock Angulo down and batter him for the remaining rounds before the referee stopped it in round 6. This fight was a title eliminator for Saul Alvarez’s belt, and a possible Kirkland vs. Alvarez showdown would be an exciting fight for the fans.

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