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ESPN Friday Night Fights Results: Guzman Crushes Pabon, Paredes Stops Leyva

By: William Holmes

ESPN Friday Night Fights broadcasted from South Florida, and featured little seen Joan Guzman in the main event against Jesus Pabon. Guzman has only fought five times in the past eight years, and has failed to make weight every time. He missed weight on the first try yesterday, but was able to make weight on his second try. Guzman clearly outmatched Jesus Pabon and knocked him down several times in the fight, before viciously knocking him out in the eighth round. Joan Guzman keeps his undefeated record intact, but he isn’t getting any younger and needs to stay more active if he hopes to land a big money fight in the future.

The opening bout was a welterweight clash between prospect Ed Paredes and Manuel Leyva. Paredes had not lost in his last ten fights, and continued his streak as he stopped Leyva in the seventh round. Leyva appeared to either be out of shape, or fighting out of his weight class, but nonetheless Paredes scored the victory and should take a step up in competition soon.

Round by round results are as follows:

Ed Paredes (29-3-1) vs. Manuel Leyva (21-4); Welterweight

Round 1:

Paredes and Leyva come out to the center of the ring and Paredes looks to be in significantly better shape than Leyva. Paredes and Leyva both land jabs at the same time. Paredes comes forward with a double jab, and Leyva dodges out of the way. A jab connects for Paredes. A right cross from Paredes sends Leyva reeling backwards. Leyva lands a left cross to the body. A straight left hand connects upstairs for Leyva. Leyva connects with a left uppercut to the body. Another straight left hand finds it’s home for Leyva. A crisp jab lands for Paredes. Paredes lands a counter jab, and a check hook to the temple of Leyva. Paredes misses with a wild left hook, but connects with a follow up hook. Leyva lands a left cross to the body of Paredes. A straight right hand lands flushly for Paredes. Another straight hand lands for Paredes, and a left hook immediately follows. 10-9 round for Paredes.

Round 2:

Paredes comes out with his guard high and easily deflects the jabs of Leyva. The refere warns Paredes to keep his punches up, and lands a left hook upstairs. Leyva dodges out of the way of a lead left hook to the body, and bangs a two punch combination at the guard of Paredes. A straight right hand lands for Paredes. Paredes lands a short right uppercut on Leyva. Another straight right hand lands for Paredes. Two jabs land for Paredes, and he dodges out of the way of a left hook from Leyva. A left hook lands near the back of the head of Leyva, and he follows it up with a hard hook to the body. Paredes flicks out a quick jab. Two straight right hands land for Paredes near the ropes. Paredes lands another jab, and Leyva counters with a left hook upstairs and a straight left hand to the body. Paredes comes forward with a double jab. Paredes ducks under a straight left hand from Leyva. Paredes connects with a jab near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Paredes.

Round 3:

Paredes lands an early right uppercut to the chin of Leyva that sends him stumbling backwards. Leyva is stuck near the corner and eating a lot of flush shots from Paredes. Paredes lands a vicious uppercut. Leyva complains about a possible headbutt to the referee. Paredes lands with a jab and Leyva answers with a two punch combination to the body. Paredes lands a short left hook, and pounds Leyva by the ropes. Two hard left hooks land upstairs for Paredes. Paredes is landing at will, with increasingly harder shots, and Leyva holds on to stall the attack. Leyva comes forward with a two punch combination that misses, and Paredes answers with two jabs that connect, and a short right uppercut. Paredes seems to have slown down a little bit near the end of the round, and is unable to step on the gas pedal and attempt to finish off Leyva.

Round 4:

Both fights come back out to the center of the ring and exchange jabs. A straight left hand connects for Leyva, and a straight left hand to the body also lands. Paredes comes back with his jab upstairs and lands several including a left hook to the temple. Paredes ducks under a straight left hand from Leyva. Leyva tries to come forward with a double jab but misses. Leyva stabs a jab at the body of Paredes. Paredes connects with two consecutive jabs. An overhand left partially connects for Leyva, and Paredes answers with two straight right hands to the body, and a hard straight right hand upstairs. Paredes is stalking Leyva, and partially lands another right uppercut. Paredes jab is able to land while Leyva misses with his. A hard straight right hand and a left hook connect for Paredes. Leyva stabs a jab at the body of Paredes. Leyva lands a straight right hand upstairs near the end of the round. 10-9 round for Paredes.

Round 5:

Paredes has Leyva trapped near a corner early, but Leyva is able to circle out of danger. Paredes barely misses with a double jab, and Leyva lands a straight left hand to the body of Paredes. They both connect at the same time with punches to the body. Paredes thuds a left hook to the body of Leyva, and Leyva answers with a combo to the body of Paredes. Paredes lands a stiff jab in the nose of Leyva. A straight right hand connects for Paredes, and then they tie up briefly near the corner. Paredes lands a short left hook and straight right hand upstairs. A right uppercut from Paredes knocks Leyva down and he gets the eight count. Paredes assaults Leyva when he gets back to his feet and another uppercut floors Leyva. Leyva gets another eight count and he has a cut underneath his left eye. Paredes attacks Leyva with left hooks and straight right hands, but the bell rings as the round ends. 10-7 round for Paredes.

Round 6:

Leyva gets checked out by the ringside doctor before the round begins. Leyva lands an early jab as the doctor allows him to continue. Leyva comes forward with a double jab and lands one to the body of Paredes. Paredes lands a hard straight right hand to the face of Leyva. Paredes lands several hard uppercuts and left hooks to the head of Leyva. Leyva bounces a jab and a cross off the guard of Paredes. They tie up near the ropes, and the referee separates them. Leyva misses with a three punch combo, but eats a jab afterwards. Another straight right hand lands for Paredes. Paredes partially lands a left hook right uppercut combination. Paredes connects with another right uppercut, but Leyva is able to dance and stay alive. Paredes lands a decent right hook upstairs. Leyva connects with a wild left hook upstairs. 10-9 round for Paredes.

Round 7:

Leyva bounces an early jab off the guard of Paredes. Paredes answers with a left hook upstairs and gets warned by the referee for a possible low blow. Leyva continues to stay light on his feet and circles on the outside. They tie up near the center of the ring, and Paredes lands a jab upon release. Paredes lands another jab, and drops Leyva with two uppercuts. Leyva gets up as the referee counts to eight, but the referee rightly calls the fight off. Leyva was clearly not coming back to win this fight.

Ed Paredes wins by TKO at 1:29 of round 7.

Joan Guzman (31-0-1) vs. Jesus Pabon (17-2); Junior Welterweight

Round 1:

Guzman and Pabon come out to the center o fthe ring and they both look to be in good shape. Pabon misses with an early jab, and Guzman misses with a counter jab. Guzman lands a jab to the body, and a follow up left hook knocks Pabon down. Pabon gets a standing eight count. Guzman lands another check left hook to the chin of Pabon. Guzman misses with a wild right uppercut, but connects with a left hook upstairs. Guzman partially lands several uppercuts. Guzman slips a straight left hand from Pabon. Guzman slips a jab from Pabon. Guzman connects with an over the top right hand. Guzman easily blocks a combo from Pabon. Pabon lands a right uppercut to the body of Guzman. Guzman misses with a wild left hook, and eats a jab from Pabon. Guzman gets warned by the referee for holding behind the head. 10-8 round for Guzman.

Round 2:

Guzman looks wirey, and easily dodges the punches of Pabon., Guzman barely misses with two left hooks upstairs. Pabon lands with a straight left hand, and a right hook to the temple. Guzman lands a right hook upstairs. Pabon bounces a few more jabs off the guard of Guzman, and Guzman partially lands a right uppercut to his chin. A straight right hand lands for Guzman. Guzman partially lands a right hook upstairs. Guzman lands a solid straight right hand near the corner, and continues to assault Pabon with body shots and he smiles to the crowd. Guzman barely misses with another right uppercut. Pabon lands a soft right cross upstairs, and Guzman lands a right uppercut as Pabon ducks forward. Guzman throws out three consecutive jabs and misses, and Guzman bounces up and down as the round ends. 10-9 round for Guzman.

Round 3:

Guzman continues to remain light on his feet, and stabs a jab at the body of Pabon. Guzman is looking very confident, and gets warned for landing a possible low blow. Guzman connects with a right uppercut to the chin of Pabon. Pabon misses with a two punch combination, but lands a straight left hand. Guzman thuds a left hook upstairs. Pabon misses with another two punch combination. Guzman flicks out two jabs at the nose of Pabon. Guzman lands a good lead right hook to the body of Pabon. Guzman sticks two jabs in the face of Pabon, and lands a right uppercut to the body but gets tagged with a hook from Pabon in the process. Guzman lands a flush right hand and a right hand to the body knocks Pabon down. Pabon gets a standing eight count. Guzman misses with a wild left hook. 10-8 round for Guzman.

Round 4:

Guzman easily slips a jab from Pabon. Guzman comes forward with a double jab but does not land. Guzman lands another right uppercut to the body. Guzman sticks a jab and a right hook to the body of Pabon. Pabon barely misses with a left hook, and they exchange wildly near the center but neither lands anothing cleanly. Guzman comes forward with a double left hook and knocks Pabon down again. The referee gives him a standing eight count. Guzman lands a clean jab and another right uppercut to the body of Pabon. Guzman dodges out of the way of a combination from Pabon. Pabon lands a short left hook, and Guzman indicates that it was behind his head. Pabon lands a double right hook to the body of Guzman. 10-8 round for Guzman.

Round 5:

Guzman slips a jab from Pabon, and stays light on his feet on the outside. Guzman tries to trap Pabon as he comes in but is inable to land. They exchange furiously in the center of the ring and Pabon seems to get the better of Guzman. Guzman seems extremely relaxed, and is looking for the on e punch knockout. Pabon lands some short body shots on Guzman at the ropes, but Guzman does not appear to be in any trouble. Guzman lands some short shots himself, and Pabon bangs at the body of Guzman. Pabon bangs a left cross of the guard of Guzman. The referee warns Pabon for holding on the back of Guzman’s head. Sloppy round so far, and Guzman lands two hard right hooks to the body of Pabon. Pabon lands a straight left hand to the body of Guzman and leans in on him. 10-9 round for Pabon.

Round 6:

Guzman comes forward with a double jab, and lands a right uppercut but gets tagged from a straight left hand by Pabon. Guzman dances and leans in on Pabon near the ropes. Guzman sticks two jabs in the face of Pabon. Guzman misses with a wild left hook, but sticks two more jabs in the face of Pabon. Pabon bangs several jabs and crosses off the guard of Guzman. Pabon catches Guzman with a straight left hand. Guzman smiles as Pabon partially lands a straight left to the body, and bangs a combo off the high guard of Guzman. Guzman lazily throws out a few jabs, and partially lands a lead left hook. Guzman lands a straight right hand to the body of Pabon, and Pabon lands a straight left hand upstairs. Pabon lands a good double right hand, and Guzman answers with a straight left of his own. Pabon lands a solid left hand on Guzman near the ropes. 10-9 round for Pabon.

Round 7:

Guzman bounces up and down, and lands three consecutive jabs. Pabon rushes in with his head down and gets warned by the referee. Guzman continues to bounce up and down and stays aggressive with his jab. Guzman feints, and lands another double jab. Guzman dodges out of the way of a left hook to the bodyh by Pabon. Guzman ducks low and lands a flush jab in the nose of Pabon. Guzman smiles again as he dances and lands a check straight right. Pabon slips a ja and a hook from Guzman. Guzman partially lands a jab uppercut. Pabon bangs a left cross at the defense of Guzman. Pabon lands a straight left hand to the body of Guzman. Pabon lands a few short uppercuts on Guzman, but none with real power. Guzman flicks out three more jabs at the face of Pabon and misses. 10-9 round for Guzman.

Round 8:

Guzman comes forward with a combination and partially lands near the ropes. Guzman flicks out a few more jabs, and Pabon comes forward with a straight left hand. Pabon misses with a right hook upstairs and they clinch again. Pabon partially lands a few straight left hands and a left uppercut to the body of Guzman. Guzman lands a vicious left hook upstairs and Pabon falls like a tree to the mat. The referee counts him out and Guzman wins by KO.

Joan Guzman wins by KO.



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