By Junior Witter
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it
I would like to say thank you to all my fans for words of support after my defeat on May the 10th.
There are many excuses I could make, the referee how the fight was judged etc etc.The reality is that I performed at 70% of my capability and Bradley fought the fight of his career.He took his chance and scored the knockdown which turned the fight around.
I have been asked by many if there was a rematch clause and if was I looking past Bradley and focusing on Hatton and did I underestimate him.I had the choice of adding a rematch clause but I have never believed in giving myself a safety net,so there was no clause.My promoter is working on a return fight with Bradley if this doesnt happen I will fight my way back in to contention.
I prepared 100% for the fight unfortunately I got it wrong on the night,I believe if I had hit my peak on the night as I did against Harris the outcome would have been different.Its a hard and expensive lesson to learn but it will make me a stronger fighter.
I will be taking a break before resuming training in June,I told my promoter I want to fight the first available date in September.
Junior Witter will be back.