32nd Annual NYC Battle of Badges

By Kirk Jackson

The Manny Pacquiao vs. Chris Algieri fight set in Macau, China this weekend, has the boxing world’s attention, as it rightfully should.

But there is also an important event taking place in the United States this weekend as well.

Nov. 22, The New York City Police Department and the New York City Fire Department will come together in a charitable, competitive boxing event, with proceeds being donated to United States Veteran Corporal Jesse Murphree.

Murphree, who was directly affected by the Sept. 11 tragedy, decided to enlist in the military. While on active duty in Korengal, Afghanistan, Murphree was struck by an anti-tank mine and suffered a traumatic brain injury, while also losing both his legs.

This annual event deemed, NYC: Battle of the Badges, will be taking place at the legendary Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York.

Tony Shultz from FightTown Promotions is the official marketing partner of The 32nd annual event, which will not only feature heroic NYPD officers and NYFD fighters engaging in battle, but also special celebrity guest appearances.

“Being that American Forces have dedicated so much, for so long, and put themselves in harm’s way to prevent another September 11th attack,” said Shultz, “as a boxing promoter, this is the best way I felt I could give back to all the Cpl. Murphree’s and their families, one fight at a time.”

The charity boxing event will help raise funds for Murphree, along with his wife and son, to build a mortgage-free, handicapped accessible home in their dream location of Tampa, FL, through the charity “Building Homes for Hero’s” located on Long Island, New York.

Tickets are still available, and the event is for great cause.

With the holiday season forthcoming and the importance of family and security emphasized, this is a good time for boxing fans to do some research of the great charities in place for our veterans and to try to become more aware.

Tickets can be purchased at www.theateratmsg.com

Or by clicking the fight poster at www.FightTown.net

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