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PPV Round by Round Results: Manny Pacquiao Wins A Thriller In A Close Fight

By: William Holmes

Every fight on the televised portion of the undercard went the distance. Unfortunately for fight fans it meant the fighters would not even walk into the ring until well after 12:00AM ET. However, by the start of the main event the arena was nearly filled to capacity and the crowd was eagerly awaiting the start of the main event.


American Idol finalist Jessica Sanchez sung the national anthem of the Philippines and Grammy Award winner Ashanti sung the American National Anthem.

The challenger Manny Pacquiao was the first man to enter the ring and he received a loud and welcoming applause from the crowd. The champion Timothy Bradley was the second man to enter the ring, and he was greeted by a loud chorus of boos.

To say the MGM Grand Garden Arena was electric for the main event would be an understatement. Kenny Bayless served as the referee for tonight’s main event.

Round by round results are as follows:

Round 1:
Pacquiao and Bradley touch gloves in the center of the ring. Both fighters paw out their jabs to try and find their range. Pacquiao lands a short cross to the body and Bradley responds in kind. Bradley barely misses with a right uppercut. Bradley lands a right to the body of Pacquiao. Pacquiao misses with a left cross to the body. Bradley lands a clean right cross to Pacquiao’s chin. Bradley lands another right cross. Pacquiao misses with a three punch combination. Pacquiao is having trouble finding his range. Both fighters appear to be very jumpy. Bradley lands another right cross. The crowd loudly cheers for Manny. Good round for Bradley. 10-9 Bradley.

Round 2:

Pacquiao comes right out to Bradley. Bradley with a two punch combination. Pacquiao misses with a straight left. Bradley stumbles a bit. Bradley lands some short punches while tied up. Bradley is showing a good jab. Pacquiao is trying to find an opening but can’t. Pacquiao lands a good straight left hand that has Bradley stunned. Bradley backing up barely misses with a right hand. Pacquiao lands another straight left. The crowd gets on its feet. Pacquiao lands a counter right hand. This is turning into a brawl. Bradley lands a good straight right hand. Both fighters landed good punches this round. 10-9 Pacquiao, but very close round.

Round 3:

Pacquiao comes right out at Bradley to start the third. Bradley lands a good right cross. Pacquiao lands a lead straight left to Bradley’s chin. Pacquiao lands a double left cross, and follows it with a two punch combination. Pacuqiao is working his combinations almost perfectly. Bradley lands a good right uppercut. Pacquiao tells Bradley to come forward. Both fighters land good crosses. Bradley lands a good body shot, but Pacquiao responds with a body shot of his own. Pacquiao with a good left uppercut. Bradley with another good hook to the body. Bradley bangs a good uppercut. Pacuqiao gets the crowd on it’s feet with a combination in the center of the ring. Bradley is doing good work to the body. Very close round again. 10-9 Pacquiao.

Round 4:

Bradley is the aggressor at the start of the round. Bradley lands a short right hand to the body of Pacquiao. Pacquiao misses with a check right hook. Pacquiao touches Bradley with two jabs. Bradley barely misses with a haymaker. Bradley connects with a jab and Bradley lands a good right hook. Pacquiao lands a lead left hand. Pacquiao has Bradley near the corner and lands a good body shot. Bradley lands a good right hook on Pacquiao that sends him backwards. Pacquiao with two body shots on Bradley. Bradleygetes tagged with a lead left hand from Pacquiao. 10-9 Bradley.

Round 5:

Pacquiao and Bradley touch gloves again, and Bradley opens up with a good combination. Bradley misses with a two punch combination and ducks under Pacquiao’s counter. Bradley misses with a hook to the body, Pacquiao lands a two punch combination. Pacquiao is trying to time his counter left hand. Bradley lands a good jab. Pacquiao lands a short right hook, and follows it up with a two punch combination. Pacuqiao is moving well this round. Bradley lands a hard right cross. Bradley lands another hard right hook. The pace has slowed a bit. Bradley is dodging the punches of Pacquiao well. 10-9 Bradley.

Round 6:

Bradley opens up the sixth with another two punch combination. Bradley barely misses with a counter right hand. Bradley is the aggressor this round. Bradley lands a short left hook to Pacquiao’s body. Pacquiao lands a short left hand. Bradley is doing very well defensively. Pacquiao lands a good jab to Bradley’s face. Bradley responds with a two punch combination. Pacquiao lands a jab. Bradley barely misses with a right hook. Pacquiao blocks a right cross from Bradley. Bradley bobs and weaves and avoids a combination from Pacquiao. 10-9 Pacquiao

Round 7:

Bradley moves Manny backwards with a combination to the body. Pacquiao misses with a lead right hook, but connects with a left cross. Bradley gets tagged with a short right hand from Pacquiao. Pacquiao with a two punch combination. Bradley with two body shots. Pacuqiao lands a left cross and Bradley answers with a hook to the body. Bradley lands a lunging right uppercut. Pacquiao connects with a left cross. Pacquiao lands a lead left hand, and follows it with a two punch combination. Pacquiao lands a combination on Bradley by the ropes that forces him to hold on Pacuqioa lands another combination on Bradley by the ropes. Pacquiao misses with a haymaker. Good exchange near the end of the round. 10-9 Pacquiao

Round 8:

Pacquiao gets backed into a corner by Bradley but moves out of the way. Crowd is loudly cheering for Pacuqiao. Pacquiao showing a lot of feints to open up the round. Bradley lands a good jab. Pacquiao barely misses with a two punch combination. Both boxers miss with a jab. Pacquiao and Bradley are going toe to toe in a great chess match. Pacquiao lands a right jab. Bradley is doing a little show boating. Bradley lands a punch behind the head of Pacquiao. Bradley with a short right hook. 10-9 Bradley

Round 9:

Bradley bangs a right cross off the guard of Bradley. Bradley lands a good two punch combination. Pacquiao is pushing the pace though. Pacquiao barely misses with a left cross. Pacquiao Pacquiao lands a left cross that forces Bradley to hold onto the ropes. Bradley is backing away from Pacquiao. Bradley gets tagged with a jab and a two punch combination from Pacquiao. Very good action this round. Pacquiao is outworking Bradley, and Bradley looks like he may be tiring. Bradley lands two good jabs. Bradley connects with a straight right hand. Bradley lands a right cross. 10-9 Pacquiao

Round 10:

Very, very,very close fight so far. Bradley comes forward with a combination to the body. Bradley misses with a two punch combination. Pacquiao lands a short right hook. Bradley’s right hook is blocked by Pacquiao. Pacquiao lands a good left hand. Pacquiao connects with a short right hook. Pacquiao connects with a short jab. Pacquiao lands a good left cross and Bradley responds with a right hook. Pacquiao lands two left hooks in a row. Bradley answers with a right cross. Pacquiao lands two left hooks on Bradley. The crowd is loudly cheering for Pacquiao again. Bradley connects with a short right hook. Pacquiao ends the tenth round with a combination. 10-9 Pacquiao

Round 11:

Pacquaio and Bradley touch gloves to start the round. Bradley lands a good jab. Bradley connects with an overhand right. Pacquiao with a cross to the body. Pacquiao with a combination and Bradley ties up. Bradley looks to be the more tired fighter. Pacquiao is the stalker inside the ring. Pacuqiao with a jab. Bradley lands a good jab again. Pacquiao is pressing the pace. Bradley is backing up too much. Bradley misses with a three punch combination. The crowd is booing Bradley for backing up. Pacquiao with a good left cross on Bradley. Pacquiao with a jab, Bradley answers with a counter right hand. 10-9 Pacquiao

Round 12:

Both fighters touch gloves again to start the twelfth round. Pacquiao rushes forward with a three punch combination but Bradley avoids the shots of Pacquiao. Pacquiao lands a good jab. Fighters clash heads. Pacuqiao with a short right hook. Pacuqiao lands an overhand left on Bradley. Bradley misses with a wild right hand. Pacquiao lands a short left on Bradley. Pacquiao connects with two jabs. Pacquiao with a three punch combination on Bradley by the ropes. Both boxers look tired. Pacuqiao with a short left hand, Bradley connects with a straight right hand. The crowd gets on their feet, but a head butt forces a short stoppage. 10-9 Pacquiao.

Incredibly close fight that could go either way. Boxing Insider scored it 116-112 for Pacquiao, but there was a lot of close rounds.

The judges scored it 116-112, 116-112, and 118-110 for Manny Pacquiao.

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