By: William Holmes
Andre Berto looks to rebound from his upset loss to Victor Ortiz as he takes on Jan Zaveck in HBO’s Boxing After Dark. Both men have one loss a piece, and a victory for either could lead to bigger paydays and bigger fights against some of the top boxers in the Welterweight Division. The Haitian Andre Berto takes on the Slovenian Jan Zaveck in Biloxi, Mississippi, and the results are as follows.
Gary Russell Jr. (17-0) vs. Leonilo Miranda (26-3); Featherweight
Round 1:
Both fighters come out to the center of the ring, Russell is in green and Miranda in black. Russell holds the center of the ring and throws multiple lightning fast jabs. Miranda has the height advantage over Russell, but it’s obvious right away that Russell has the speed advantage. Russell’s jabs are landing and he is staying aggressive. Miranda throws a few hooks to the body. Russell staying active, and tags Miranda against the ropes with a four punch combination. Nice right hook lands by Russell. Most of Miranda’s punches are missing, and Russell sends Miranda reeling back with a right hook. Russell wins round 1 easily 10-9.
Round 2:
The round starts off and Russell stays on his jab. Miranda throws two consecutive combinations to the body and Russell backs Miranda up with jabs and crosses to the head in the corner. Russell lunges in with a right hook that catches Miranda. Russell easily blocks Miranda’s punches as he comes in. Miranda throws a combination and Russell answers with a digging hook to the body. Russell again backs Miranda to the corner, but Miranda punches his way out. Russell staying aggressive, and is often the first to land when the fighters exchange. Russell again easily wins this round, 10-9.
Round 3:
Miranda starts off round 3 by throwing a hook to the body of Russell. Russell answers again with his incredibly fast double jabs. Miranda trying to time Russell off of his jabs, but Russell is landing first. Russell walking Miranda down with his jab, and Miranda lands an overhand right cross. A beautiful jab lands for Russell square on the nose of Miranda. Russell lands a solid lead right hook. Russell lands two nice left crosses. A straight right lands for Miranda, but Russell answers with two right hooks. A right uppercut lands for Miranda, but Russell answers with another double jab. Better round for Miranda, but 10-9 for Russell again.
Round 4:
Miranda starts off round four by throwing a lead right hook to the head of Russell. Russell backs Miranda to the ropes and lands a few straight rights and lefts. Russell lands a hard hook to the body of Miranda, and has Miranda in trouble against the ropes. Russell landed a few hard uppercuts during their exchange. Miranda throwing more often this round, but has yet to land anything significant. A two punch combination rocks Miranda. Russell against has him against the ropes and lands a straight right and left. Russell lands a flurry of body and head punches on Miranda. Two quick jabs land for Russell again, and he also lands a check hook when Miranda tries to answer. 10-9 round for Russell.
Round 5:
Miranda throws a five punch combination to start the round, but only one lands cleanly. Russell immediately answers with a few quick jabs. The difference in hand speed is readily apparent. A hard straight left lands for Russell. A six punch combination lands for Russell in the middle of the ring and Miranda is on wobbily legs. Russell stalking his opponent, and his jabs are starting to snap the head of Miranda now. A hard right hook lands for Russell, and he throws a hard hook immediately after. Miranda tries to catch Russell against the ropes but Russell weaves his way out of any type of trouble. Russell lands another had body shot, then comes upstairs with a heavy hook. Round ends with Russell landing two short hook. 10-9 for Russell.
Round 6:
Miranda comes out for round 6 throwing again, lands about four hooks to the body of Russell, but nowhere near the power that Russell throws with. Russell’s jabs are starting to move Miranda back more now. A right hook by Russell has Miranda’s legs wobbily. Russell opens up with about a ten punch combination on Miranda against the ropes that has him stunned again. Miranda still throwing, but his punches looks like slaps compared to the blazing speed of Russell. A lead right hook lands for Russell. Russell has Miranda backing up again. Miranda landed more punches this round than any other, but, Russell’s power punches appear to be landing at will. 10-9 for Russell again.
Round 7:
Miranda has blood dripping from his face. Miranda’s shots are being mainly blocks by Russell. An overhand left lands for Russell. Russell lands a digging hook to the body of Miranda. Russell again lands a hook to the body. Russell appears to have stepped off the gas pedal a bit this round. Russell still backing Miranda up with his jab. Miranda with a hook to the body of Russell, but Russell again has him backed against the ropes and lands some very loud body shots to Miranda. The referee warns both fighters to keep their punches above the belt. 10-9 round for Russell.
Round 8:
Miranda obviously needs a knockout to win. Russell flicks out a few jabs and stays on the outside. Russell ducks a few of Miranda’s punches and lands a very fast multi punch combination again. Russell ducking and weaving under Miranda’s punches. Miranda showing heart and coming forward throwing punches, but nothing significant lands. Miranda unable to solve the defense of Russell. Russell’s jabs are consistently tagging Miranda. Russell is greatly outlanding Miranda this round. Russell hans Miranda in trouble towards the end of the round. Russell again with a 10-9 round.
Official scores are 80-72, 80-72, 79-72 for Gary Russell Jr.
Andre Berto (27-1) vs. Jan Zaveck (31-1); Welterweight
Round 1:
Berto is in the red shorts, and Zaveck is in the blue shorts. Berto comes out aggressive and tries to trap Zaveck against the ropes. Fighters exchange early, and both land some hard overhand rights. Berto lands two hard hooks to the body of Zaveck. Berto again lands two hard hooks to the body of Zaveck, and follows up with a straight right. Zaveck lands a hard body shot to Berto. Berto mixing up body shots and head shots. Both fighters exchange uppercuts while in close. Zaveck throws an overhand right that may have landed on the back of Berto’s head. Zaveck lands a right hook, and Berto answers with two body shots. 10-9 round for Berto.
Round 2:
Berto starts off the round by landing a good hook to the body, and throwing a multi punch combination at Zaveck’s defense. Zaveck lands two short hooks, and an overhand right lands on Berto, but Berto answers with a four punch combination to Zaveck. Berto throwing hard shots at Zaveck. Berto waves Zaveck forward, and Berto lands a hard overhand right. Zaveck also lands a solid right hand on Berto. Berto flicking out his jab and trying to follow with hard right crosses. Zaveck staying tight and keeping up a good defense. Berto lands an uppercut towards the end of the round. Tough to score, but 10-9 for Berto.
Round 3:
Berto lands a quick three punch combination. Berto backs Zaveck against the ropes, but the referee breaks them up when the clinch. Zaveck lands a three punch combination, and a short left hook. Zaveck keeping his defense very tight. Zaveck lands a straight left with his back against the ropes, and Berto answers by throwing hard hooks to the body of Zaveck. Zaveck lands a hard jab, but Berto answers with a few body shots and solid uppercuts. Berto lands another hard body shot to Zaveck. Zaveck now has Berto’s back against the ropes, but Berto gets out by throwing some very hard body shots to Zaveck. 10-9 round for Berto.
Round 4:
Fighters briefly hug at the start of the round. Berto lands a few jabs and a short left hook. Zaveck has Berto against the ropes and lands a few short hooks and crosses. Zaveck lands a heavy body shoith a short uppercut and a straight right. Zaveck lands a left hand and a straight hand. Zaveck lands a three punch combination to the head of Berto. Zaveck landing more at will now and opening up. Zaveck lands an overhand right, and Berto answers with an uppercut. Much better round for Zaveck, Berto may be tiring. 10-9 round for Zaveck.
Round 5:
Berto comes out swinging to start round 5, and backs Zaveck against the ropes throwing combinations. Zaveck lands a hard straight right hand that snaps his neck back. Berto has a mouse under his left eye. Berto has Zaveck against the corner and lands a few uppercuts. Berto lands a hard left hook to the body of Zaveck. Zaveck counters Berto coming in with a two uppercuts. Zaveck lands a hard hook to the side of Berto’s head. Berto lands a hard straight right, and Zaveck is cut with blood streaming down his right eye. Berto sees the cut and throwing jabs towards the cut of Zaveck. Berto lands a hard left hand that rocks back Zaveck. Good round, 10-9 for Berto.
Round 6:
The cut on Zaveck is right on the eyelid. It looks like both of Zaveck eyes are cut. Zaveck is cursing in the corner and it looks like the fight will be stopped. The fight is stopped, and you can hear Zaveck cursing in the corner. Berto wins by TKO victory on doctor’s stoppage at the end of the 5th round. Andre Berto is now the IBF welterweight champion.
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