The son of the ring legend Roberto Duran, told me the story about his father meeting the President of Cuba Fidel Castro in Havana:
“My father was obligated to go meet Fidel Castro, at that time he had to go. This was after he finished fighting Esteban DeJesus in the rematch (1974). Fidel wanted to meet my father. One of Fidel’s generals sent for my father to go to Cuba and my father didn’t want to go.”
“Fidel Castro asked my father what was his opinion towards that fight – Muhammad Ali versus Teofilo Stevenson? My father said that Ali would kill Stevenson. Fidel said Stevenson would win. My father said, No, Ali would bust Stevenson’s ass because Stevenson fought four or five rounds and he was already exhausted. And Ali was used to to fighting 15 rounds and he was a professional.”
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