Live Report: ShoBox Results From Ballys – Gonzales vs. Duran

By: William Holmes

Goossen Tutor Promotions comes to Atlantic City to showcase a middleweight matchup between undefeated Brandon Gonzales and New Jersey native Ossie Duran from Bally’s casino in Atlantic City, NJ. The televised portion of this card also features a matchup between undefeated welterweight Javier Molina and highly touted prospect Artemio Reyes. ShoBox has been historically known to put on exciting fights with future title holders and contenders, and the winners of tonight’s fights could see themselves in bigger fights in the near future.

Undercard Quick Results:

Kevin Womack Jr. (0-0) vs. Korey Pritchett (1-0); Super Lightweight

Official scores were 39-37, 39-37, 39-37 for Kevin Womack Jr.

Anthony Allen (0-0) vs. Jason Sosa (3-1-1); Junior Lightweight

Jason Sosa wins it with scores of 38-36, 39-35, 40-34.

Korey Sloane (1-1) vs. Jason Sia (0-2); Junior Welterweight

Official scores are 38-38, 39-37, and 39-37 for Korey Sloane.

John Lennox (6-1) vs. Donnie Crawford (1-2-1); Heavyweight

John Lennox wins it with official scores of 40-36, 40-36, and 40-36.

Ramon Ellis (1-7) vs. Jesse Crawford (0-2); Junior Welterweight

Ramon Ellis wins by TKO at 3:00 of round 2.

Main Card Round by Round Results:

Javier Molina (9-0) vs. Artemio Reyes (13-1); Welterweight

Round 1:

Molina and Reyes come out to the center of the ring and Molina throws a jab to the body and the head. Molina connects with two jabs. Molina again backs up Reyes with a jab and lands a quick combination in the center of the ring. Reyes lands a cross to the body of Molina. Molina working his jab very effectively. Reyes lands his first hard jab of the night. Molina with a jab cross combination when his back is against the ropes. Molina lands a nice left hook. Reyes ducks under a Molina cross. Molina is peppering Reyes with jabs from the outside. Reyes lands a hook to the body, but Molina answers with a right uppercut. Reyes gets off a counter hook and lands two more hooks to the body of Molina. 10-9 round for Molina.

Round 2:

Molina comes out right away and lands a jab and a left hook. Molina landing his jabs at will and Reyes can’t seem to stay out of the way. Reyes with a short right hook to the body of Molina. Molina lands a three punch combination to the body of Reyes, and follows it up with a two punch combination to the head. Crowd starts chanting for Reyes, as Reyes unleashes some punches on Molina against the ropes. Mainly close fighting now and Reyes appears to be getting the better of Molina. Reyes applying the pressure and backs Molina against the ropes and lands some short uppercuts. Molina unleashes a body head combination on Reyes. Molina lands a right uppercut and a left hook, but Reyes is staying very active with some nice inside fighting. Reyes lands a hard body shot as the round ends. 10-9 round for Reyes.

Round 3:

Molina throws a quick double jab. Molina lands two left hooks to the temple of Reyes. Reyes continues to come forward throwing hooks to the body of Molina. Molina appears to have trouble with Reyes everytime Reyes gets close. Reyes lands two hard body shots on Molina. Molina lands two short hooks to the head of Reyes. Molina lands a hard left hook on Reyes, but Reyes continues with the body attack. Molina and Reyes are exchanging hard blows in close, and Reyes is landing the harder shots. Both fighters are just exchanging a ridiculous amount of blows without taking a break. Molina lands a very hard left hook, and Reyes answers with hard body shots. Close round, scored it 10-9 for Reyes.

Round 4:

Reyes comes right out to apply the pressure, and Molina uses his jab to keep Reyes at bay. Molina landing some solid body head combinations as he dances to his left. Reyes and Molina just slugging it out in tight again. Molina lands some nice uppercuts in tight, and Reyes answers with some hard shots of his own. Molina lands two consecutive hard left hooks on the inside, but Reyes doesn’t appear fazed by them and continues to swing away. Reyes lands a hard right hook, and Molina lands a combination. Molina looks to be starting to wilt under the pressure of Reyes, and Reyes and Molina exchange very hard blows by the ropes. Reyes and Molina are throwing non stop punches. Very close round, 10-9 round for Reyes.

Round 5:

Reyes sticking to his game plan and comes forward and walks through the punches of Molina. Reyes gets tagged by a Molina combination near the ropes, and Reyes lands some short body hooks. Reyes lands a nice right cross, and they engage in some more tight exchanges. Reyes is getting the better of Molina when they exchange in close with short uppercuts and hooks to the body. Reyes lands a very nice right cross on Molina. Molina lands two punches, Reyes lands two punches, very difficult to keep up with the action this round. Molina lands a hard right cross, and Reyes answers with a hard hook to the body. Reyes lands a hard right hook, and another hard right hook. Reyes lands the crisper punches towards the end of round 5, and should win it 10-9.

Round 6:

Reyes continues to apply the pressure and does not appear to be tiring. Reyes landing some very nice combinations and short uppercuts. Two right crosses from Reyes snaps the head of Molina back. Molina lands a cross of his own and two hooks. Molina throws a hook to the body of Reyes, and Reyes answers with short uppercuts. Molina lands an overhand right hand, but Reyes lands another uppercut that rocks the head of Molina back. Both fighters are throwing an insane amount of punches. Molina having a better round, but Reyes just refuses to stop throwing . Reyes lands about four quick crosses in a row, and lands two very hard body shots. Reyes finishes off his combinations with very hard body shots, which is the difference in this round. 10-9 for Reyes.

Round 7:

Molina lands two quick jabs, and they exchange uppercuts in close. Molina lands a nice left hook, and Reyes lands three quick right straight hands. Both fighters land multiple hooks to each other’s heads. Molina getting the better of some exchanges on Reyes, but Reyes just keeps on coming forward. Molina lands a nice overhand right, but Reyes against answers with body shots and short right hands. Molina lands a windup right uppercut and an overhand right that might have been his best punches of the night. Reyes of course shakes off these punches and continues to come forward. Molina lands a three punch combination in the center of the ring. The number of punches these fighters are throwing is staggering. Better round for Molina, 10-9 for Molina.

Round 8:

Last round, and Molina comes out swinging and lands a very hard right hook to the head of Reyes. Reyes pushes Molina towards the ropes and the referee has to separate them. Reyes again pushes Molina back and they exchange punches in close. Fighters are exchanging furiously in the center of the ring with Reyes landing the cleaner shots. Reyes lands a nice right hook, and deflects multiple punches off of his shoulders. Molina lands a lead left hook, and Reyes grins and walks forward throwing hooks to the body. Reyes with two hard right hooks to the body of Molina. Molina lands a nice body head combination and an overhand right hand. Reyes lands uppercuts to the body and short straight right hands to the head. Ten seconds left and they exchange furiously. 10-9 round for Reyes, but another very close and tough to score round.

Official scores are 77-75, 78-74, 78-74 for Artemio Reyes. Reyes has some very vocal supporters in the crowd as he celebrates his upset victory.

Brandon Gonzales (14-0-1) vs. Ossie Duran (26-8-2); Middleweight

Round 1:

Duran and Gonzales come out to the center of the ring and exchange jabs. Duran lands the first punch of the night as his one jab gets through Gonzales’s defense. Gonzales lands a short left hook to the side of Duran’s head. Duran throws an overhand right and Gonzales lands a hook to the body of Duran. Gonzales lands a nice jab, and lands a jab hook to the body combination. Duran lands two hard hooks to the body of Gonzales. Duran lands a body shot and an overhand right. Gonzales lands two jabs, and Duran lands a cross to the body. Duran lands a nice left hook to the side of Gonzales’s head, and lands another hard overhand right. Gonzales tries to answer back with combinations of his own. Close round, scored it 10-9 for Duran as he appeard to land the harder punches.

Round 2:

Gonzales comes right out and flicks out his jab. Gonzales lands a short left hook to the side of Duran’s head. Duran showing some nice head movement and ducks under Gonzales’s jabs. Duran lands a nice overhand right. Duran lands a straight right hand to the body of Gonzales. Gonzales connects with a hard jab. A Duran cross bounces off the shoulders of Gonzales. Gonzales lands a quick two punch combination as Duran comes forward. Duran lands a looping right hand, and Gonzales answers with a straight right hand. Duran lands another overhand right. Duran lands a short left hook, and Gonzales answers with four punches at the guard of Duran. Gonzales lands a nice left uppercut. Another close round, Gonzales appeared to throw more but Duran landed the harder shots. 10-9 for Gonzales.

Round 3:

Duran’s supporters start chanting his name. Gonzales lands two punches to the body of Duran. A right cross by Duran bounces off the shoulders of Gonzales. Gonzales is staying busy and throwing more punches than Duran, but Duran partially blocks most of them. Gonzales lands two short hooks and some nice short uppercuts. Gonzales lands a nice jab uppercut combination. Gonzales looks a lot better this round as he lets his hands go a little more. Gonzales lands a hard right uppercut, and is outworking Duran this round. Gonzales with another three punch combination in the center of the ring. Gonzales lands a nice straight right hand, and follows that with a two punch combination. Duran lands a nice left cross that briefly staggers Gonzales, but Gonzales answers back with a partially blocked combination. 10-9 round for Gonzales.

Round 4:

Gonzales comes right out and lands his jab. Duran lands two jabs of his own. Fighters exchange hard shots in the center of the ring, and Gonzales appears to get the better of Duran. Gonzales lands a hard left hook to the body of Duran. Duran lands two consecutive jabs and a hard left hook. The crod is cheering on Duran again. Gonzales goes back to his jab and works on the outside, but Duran hits him with a hard left hook and two hard hooks to the body. Gonzales works a nice combination and finishes it off with a hook to the body. Gonzales has a mouse forming near his left eye. Duran lands another overhand right. Duran with a right hook to the body of Gonzales. Fighters trade blows as the round ends. 10-9 round for Duran.

Round 5:

Gonzales lands an uppercut to the body of Duran. Duran throws two quick jabs, and the referee quickly stops the fight because Duran’s dreadlocks are in his eyes and his corner takes it out of his eyes. Duran comes right out and unleashes a combination to the body of Gonzales. Duran lands a left hook to the temple of Gonzales, and Gonzales throws out two quick jabs to the face of Duran. Gonzales throwing out his jab, and lands two hooks to the body of Duran. Duran backs Gonzales against the ropes and the referee seperates them. Duran lands a right hook and an uppercut to the body of Gonzales. Duran lands a hook to the side of Gonzales face and two straight jabs. Gonzales lands a left uppercut to the chin of Duran. Gonzales with a wild hook to the body of Duran. Duran throws wildly and lands with a left hook towards the end of the round that may have won him it. 10-9 for Duran.

Round 6:

Gonzales lands a quick jab cross combination on Duran. Duran lands two nice jabs in response. Gonzales lands a combination and finishes it off with a left hook to the body. Duran partially lands an overhand right, and later lands a hook to the body and a straight right hand. Duran snaps Gonzales head back with a crisp jab. The head movement of Duran appears to be frustrating Gonzales. Duran is blocking most of Gonzales’s punches. Gonzales lands a combination near the corner. Duran continues to stalk Gonzales and lands a hard hook to the body. Gonzales lands a clean right hand. They exchange fiercely near the round. 10-9 round for Gonzales.

Round 7:

Duran throws a hard left hook that is partially blocked by Gonzales. Duran lands a straight right hand to the body of Gonzales. Gonzales throws out two quick jabs and lands a nice uppercut. Gonzales with another quick combination on Duran near the center of the ring. Duran lands another left hook, but then eats a straight right hand from Gonzales. Gonzales with another quick combination near the center of the ring and ends it with a short uppercut. Gonzales lands a nice short left hook. Duran lands an overhand right. Duran lands a hard overhand right that catches the attention of the crowd. 10-9 round for Gonzales.

Round 8:

Fighters exchange jabs, and come out swinging this round. Duran coming forward recklessly but is blocking most of Gonzales’s punches. Duran lands a nice jab and an overhand right. Another jab from Duran snaps back the head of Gonzales. Duran lands a hard right to the body of Gonzales. Gonzales staying the busier fighter but Duran is landing the harder shots. Duran looks gassed, and throws four punches to the body of Gonzales. Duran lands an overhand right. Gonzales lands a nice straight right hand. Gonzales lands another short uppercut. Duran lets loose with his hands as the round ends, and it is another very tough round to score. 10-9 for Duran.

Official scores are 77-75 for Gonzales, 78-74 for Duran, and 77-75 for Gonzales. Brandon Gonzales wins by split decision.

Post Fight Thoughts:

Gonzales and Duran was a very difficult fight to score. Most of the press thought it was a draw. Gonzales stayed the busier fighter and Duran appeared to land the harder punches, and it could have been scored either way. Gonzales might want to consider another easier fight or two before taking a step up in competition.

Javier Molina and Artemio Reyes put on a very entertaining fight. Reyes applied the pressure and walked through most of Molina’s shots. Reyes will be a tough fight for most welterweights and had a surprisingly vocal crowd considering this fight was in Atlantic City and he is from California.


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