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Scoop Mailbox: The King of Cowardice

Well, Scoop your article you wrote back in January is really ringing loudly. Floyd has let the deadline pass and it is clear he has no intentions on fighting Manny Pacquiao. He is a big coward. Especially when after he fought Mosley, the post fighter interview said they know where to look for me and test up to the fight – Bill Ma

Scoop Reply: The face of boxing today in the USA is a coward and a fraud. Until this fact is corrected or changed, the sport of boxing overall will continue to suffer and decline. The powers that be must act now.
how are you man, Lies lies and more lies from Mayweather camp! more lies coming from ellerbe, floyd and floyd sr. you didn’t hear from them for a while and now they saying that nobody is contacting them from team pacquaio, or ross greenburgh never present anything. scoop, these are all lies again, last month oscar dela hoya told univision tv and latino media that the negotiation is almost done and though he said he was misquoted but why in the first place he even mention it to univision.
these are lies that is fooling the boxing public and fans! bob arum is not the perfect promoter but at least he is not capable of blatant lies like these coming from mayweather camp and golden boy. this is too much lies coming people scoop, thats why you cant stand them, and you we’re the first writer all over america to exposed these cheat, and would you believed that kevin iole of yahoo boxing is actually defending these liars for the whole world by blaming top rank and pacquaio again.
i think kevin iole is under the envelope of the mayweather camp, meaning kevin is being paid to write and defend floyd at all cost since he is also from las vegas. i mean yahoo sports should get a more honest with integrity writer to run yahoo boxing and you are the guy scoop. i mean you the right guy to run yahoo sport coz you tell the truth. enough with these lies coming the mayweather camp and kevin iole.

Scoop Reply: It certainly does seem certain boxing writers could be on the take by the way they write and distort the truth. And that’s a shame. Mayweather will say or do anything to free himself from having to face the Pac Monster. Repeat, Floyd will say or do anything. I believe Ellerbe and Haymon fully support his dubious actions too. One thing that’s pretty clear is that Floyd must be extremely scared of the skills of Manny Pacquiao to go to such enormous lengths to duck the fight AGAIN. I can’t think of a bigger, more obvious example of cowardice in the history of sports than what Mayweather has so shamefully exhibited in the year 2010. Nothing comes to mind to challenge the cowardice of Floyd.
Aaron pryor likes Paquiao because his relentless attacks and strong two handed speed bombs were like his, Pryor was in your face all night. – Luther Chiles

Scoop Reply: Aaron Pryor would be a billionaire if he boxed today. But then again, maybe all the welters and jr welters would duck him – like even the great Sugar Ray Leonard is suspected by some to have done. Pryor was a machine who could spar 35 rounds in a day. He’s spar cruiserweights. Even cooler, Pryor is as nice a human being as you will meet in boxing.
“The Man with the Money” — this is a gigantic expose! this is the mother of all expose about the present lies and failure in the boxing world! ross greenburgh and hbo are all part of these lies and without naming names in the article, it makes the readers wanted more. all the readers in pacland have identified you now as the best writer scoop with ricki rockwell. the likes of marley and kevin iole are paid to write lies too, these two are paid with money to write false facts and to add more lies to fool the public.
scoop, true boxing fans in the world and the hall of fame in boxing should recognised your effort for true and honest writing and opinion. as long as there is writers like you to fight for the truth even without the power of money and the presence of financial gain, boxing is here to stay as a sport, but only time will tell that the real hero in the sports of boxing is not the boxers itself but the people who write for the truth, to make the sport as it is centuries ago, that only the best fight the best and not an invented marketing fake fighters due to massive advertisement and sham corporate work.

Scoop Reply: Thanks so much for the very complimentary words and appreciation for our site. We will continue to try to tell the truth as we see it and do what’s best for this sport which is in critical times here in the USA. The fact that poker and billiards players get more TV coverage in American than the Heavyweight champion Klitschko Brothers is beyond ridiculous. The fact that the biggest event in boxing history may not be made because one of the boxers is a coward, is incomprehensible.
I would like to give a big hello and thank you to my freind Winkky Moncayo and his colleagues at the Philippine Coast Guard for all their friendly support of in 2010. Our site is doing very well in The Philippines and your support is an inspiration which we all appreciate very much.

Contact Scoop: [email protected]

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