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HBO Boxing Round by Round Results: Sergio Martinez KOs Barker, Lee Wins

By: William Holmes

Middleweight kingpin Sergio Martinez takes on challenger Darren Barker for Sergio’s middleweight championship belt. Also featured on the card is a middleweight rematch between Andy Lee and Brian Vera. Brian Vera scored an upset victory over Lee in 2008, and gave Lee the only loss of his career. Martinez is the heavy favorite in his fight, and below is a round by round recap of tonight’s middleweight attractions.

Andy Lee (26-1) vs. Brian Vera (23-5); Middleweight

Round 1:

Lee comes out and takes the center of the ring. Lee lands a left jab early. Lee lands another jab to the body of Vera, and follows with a jab cross combination to the head of Vera. Lee lands two more jabs to the head of Vera. Lee lands a lead left hook to the head of Vera. Vera lands a hook to the body of Lee, and Lee answers with another jab. Lee has his jab working nicely so far. Lee lands an uppercut on Vera. A straight right hand by Vera sends Lee back. Lee ties up Vera as he comes in. Lee lands a short left hook on Vera. A straight left hand lands for Lee. Another quick left hook by Lee lands, and Vera lands a hook of his own. Lee lands another right hook on Vera as he comes in. 10-9 round for Lee.

Round 2:

Lee lands another right hook on Vera. A short jab lands for Vera. Vera connects with a right hook as Lee throws out a jab. A straight right lands for Vera, but Lee answers with a multi punch combination immediately after. Lee lands a straight right and a straight left. Lee lands another right hook to the head of Vera. Vera throws a right hook but Lee partially blocks it. A hard right hand lands for Vera. Vera lands a hook to the body of Lee. Lee lands a straight left to the body of Vera, and lands another left hand and right hook. Vera comes in and lands a straight right. Lee lands a left hand uppercut. A straight left hand lands for Lee and Vera falls to the ground. The referee gives Vera a standing eight count and the round ends. 10-8 round for Lee.

Round 3:

Lee lands another straight left hand to start off round 3. Vera comes in and eats a right hook from Lee. Lee lands two consecuvtive jabs on Vera. Lee lands an uppercut to the body of Vera that might have been low. Lee lands a lead right hook and a straight left. Another jab lands for Lee. Vera lands a hard right hook that gets the crowd’s attention. Lee lands a right hook straight left combination. Lee lands another jab. Vera throws two wild hooks to the body of Lee but they are partially blocked. Lee lands another jab to the head of Vera. A straight left hand lands for Lee again. Lee lands a hard body shot on Vera. Lee ducks under a punch and lands a right uppercut to the chin of Vera. 10-9 round for Lee.

Round 4:

Lee lands two consecutive quick jabs on Vera. Lee lands another jab. Vera comes charging in and misses wildly. Lee lands a straight left hand. Lee is doing an excellent jab staying out of Vera’s range. Lee lands another jab to the head of Vera. Lee lands a short right hook and a straight left. Vera lands a hard right hook and Lee covers up. Vera has blood coming out of his left eye. Lee lands two more jabs and a straight left to the eye of Vera. Vera lands a straight right hand. Lee lands another straight left and right hook. Lee lands a straight right. Lee ‘s jab continues to be very effective. Lee lands another straight left right combination. Lee lands a left to the body and a right hook as the round ends. 10-9 round for Lee.

Round 5:

Lee lands a quick short right hook. Lee catches Vera with another hook as he comes in. Lee lands a jab at and a hook to the eye of Vera. Vera lands a short uppercut, but Lee answers with an uppercut of his own . Lee’s short right hooks have been landing consistently. Vera lands an overhand right. Both fighters exchange straight lefts and rights. A straight right by Vera causes Lee to back up. Lee lands another straight left. Vera lands a jab and Lee lands an overhand right in response. Lee lands a jab cross combination. A clash of heads occurs and the referee warns them to watch their heads. 10-9 round for Lee.

Round 6:

Vera lands a straight right to the body of Lee. Lee comes in and lands a straight left. Lee lands an uppercut to the body of Vera. Vera charges in with wild punches and misses, and Lee hits Vera with a two punch cominbation to make Vera pay. Lee lands a three punch combination. A straight left straight right combination lands rocks Vera. Lee connects with another jab and straight left. A quick right hook by Lee almost knocks Vera down. Lee is picking Vera apart every time he charges in. Lee with his back to the corner, and lands three punches then spins out. Another dominant 10-9 round for Andy Lee.

Round 7:

Lee throws out a quick double jab on Vera. Lee circling to his left and lands a hard lead right hook. Referee warns Vera about clashing heads. Lee lands another jab and continues to circle around Vera. A straight right hand lands for Lee, and he lands another one immediately after. Straight left connects for Lee, and Vera throws multiple body shots on Lee and lands his most significant punches of the night. Lee coasting, and lands straight right hands at will. Vera misses wildly , and Lee lands a two punch combination after Vera misses. 10-9 round for Lee.

Round 8:

Lee lands an uppercut and a straight left hand. Lee lands a straight left and circles out of danger. Vera ties up with Lee and the referee seeprates them. Lee lands a had hook to the body of Vera. Vera misses with a jab and Lee connects. Lee lands a straight left and a right jab. Vera catches Lee in the corner, but Lee is able to land a straight right and circle out. Lee lands a hard two punch combination in the center of the ring. Vera lands a right hand, but Lee keeps his composure and lands a two punch combination. Lee lands another straight left hand. Blood continues to pour out of the eye of Vera. A straight right hand lands for Vera, but Lee lands an uppercut of his own in response. Lee lands two straight left hands in a row. Lee lands a right hook straight left hand combination. Vera lands a hard right hook on Lee against the ropes as the round ends. 10-9 round for Lee.

Round 9:

Lee tags Vera with two quick jabs. Vera needs a knockout to win. Lee continuing to stay on the outside and pepper the face of Vera with right jabs and hooks. Lee lands a straight left hand, and another two punch combination. Lee lands a jab over Vera’s defense. Lee lands a right hook on Vera, and a straight left while in close on Vera. Lee lands a beautiful uppercut on Vera in the middle of the ring. Vera lands multiple body shots on Lee in the center of the ring. Lee dancing on the outside and landing his jabs. Vera gets in on Lee by the ropes but Lee clinches causing the break. Lee landing a straight left before Vera’s right hook can connect. Lee catches Vera with an uppercut as he comes in. Lee lands an uppercut to the body of Vera. A straight left hand by Lee snaps the head of Vera. 10-9 round for Andy Lee.

Round 10:

Lee and Vera briefly hug before the start of round 10. Lee dancing on the outside peppering Vera with jabs. Lee lands a straight left hand and dances out of danger. Lee lands a short right hook. Lee lands a three punch combination. Vera lands four or five body shots, and lands a hard right hook on Lee. Lee answers with a hard straight left of his own. Vera’s back against the ropes and Lee lands a short uppercut. Vera throwing body shots, and Lee lands two hard uppercuts to the chin of Vera. Lee lands a lead left hook to the head of Vera. Lee lands a four punch combination on Vera. Lee lands a hook to the body of Vera. Lee lands another lead right hook and a straight left hand. Lee grins and wakes at the announcer’s table for HBO. Lee lands another three punch combination as the round ends. 10-9 round for Andy Lee, this should be a clean sweep.

Official scores are 98-91, 99-90, and 99-90 for Andy Lee.

Sergio Martinez (47-2-2) vs. Darren Barker (23-0); Middleweight

Round 1:

Barker takes the center of the ring, quickly throws out two jabs to the body. Martinez throws out a straight left, and a few hooks that are partially blocked. Martinez throws out a jab and a straight left that connects. Barker lands a jab. Martinez lands a hard jab. Martinez gets tagged with a short left hook. Barker throws out a jab to the body, and Martinez connects with a straight left hand and two inside hooks. Martinez throws out another jab and is keeping his hands low. Martinez lands a jab and a cross to the body, and Barker lands a left hook of his own, Martinez lands a hard straight left hand. Martinez comes in and lands an overhand left hook. Martinez lands a jab and ducks under a hook by Barker. A straight left hand by Martinez is partially blocked. 10-9 round for Martinez.

Round 2:

Martinez comes out with his hands up. Barker ducks under a right Martinez hook. Martinez is flicking out his jab trying to find his range. Martinez ducks a quick Barker right and lands a two punch combination. Martinez is pawing out his jab, Barker lands a short hook to the body of Martinez. Martinez staying active trying to get Barker to open up his defense. Martinez keeping his hands low now, and lands a quick right hand. Barker lands a quick jab. Barker lands a hard straight right hand. Barker lands a quick jab. Barker is backing Martinez up. Martinez lands a straight left hand of his own, and another straight left hand that briefly stuns Barker. Close round, 10-9 for Martinez.

Round 3:

Martinez eats a jab from Barker. Martinez lands a quick straight left. Martinez lands a left to the body of Barker. Martinez keeping his hands low trying to get Barker to open up. Barker lands a straight right hand. Martinez lands two quick jabs on Barker. Martinez hits barker with a straight left to the body. Barker is able to block a Martinez combination and land a straight right hand. Barker lands a hard straight right hand on Martinez. Barker hits Martinez with a quick jab. Martinez still keeping his hands low. Martinez misses on two jabs. Barker has been blocking most of Martinez’s punches. Martinez was the more active fighter, but Barker landed the more effective punches. 10-9 round for Barker.

Round 4:

Martinez throws out a jab, and Barker throws out for of his own. Barker’s straight right hand is partially blocked. Barker backs Martinez against the ropes and lands a left hook. Blood is coming from the face of Martinez. Barker lands a solid right hand. Martinez lands a hard straight left hand. Martinez catches Barker with a quick left hook, and Martinez answers with three straight right hands. Barker lands a hard jab. Martinez misses with a straight left hand. Barker connects with a two punch combination, and Martinez answers with a two punch combination. Barker blocks two Martinez’s jabs. Barker lands a jab. A straight left hand from Martinez gets through Barker’s defenses. Martinez keeps up the pressure at the end of the round. Martinez came on strong at the end, but the sight of blood coming out of his nose sways me, 10-9 round for Barker.

Round 5:

Martinez lands a straight left hand to the body. Barker lands a jab and Martinez lands a straight left hand. Barker lands a right hook. Barker lands another jab. Barker’s style reminds me of Wrinky Wright, he keeps his hands up high and throws out the jab. Barker lands another jab. Barker blocks three straight Martinez jabs. A straight left hand gets through for Martinez. Barker throws out a four punch combination. Barker lands a jab. Martinez catches Barker right before he throws a hook. Martinez lands a hard jab to the body of Barker. Martinez throwing out multiple jab cross combinations, a few straight lefts get through. Martinez finishes off strong throwing combinations that are partially blocked. 10-9 round for Martinez.

Round 6:

Barker throws out a jab. Martinez pawing out his jab and lands a hard hook to the body. Martinez lands a straight left hand. A straight right for Barker lands. Martinez staying the more active fighter, but Barker is able to block most of them. Barker partially lands a right hook. Martinez throws out multiple punches and a few find their way through the defense of Barker. Martinez lands a short left hook. Martinez throws out fast five punch combiatnion. Martinez throws out two more jabs. Martinez lands two hooks to the body of Barker. Martinez lands a straight left hand. Barker lands a short right hook. Martinez finishes off the round with a strong flurry. 10-9 round for Martinez.

Round 7:

Martinez lands a hard right hook. Barker peppers Martinez with two jabs. Martinez throwing out more punches than Barker. One of Martinez’ jabs lands. Martinez staying light on his feet, and easily out throwing Barker. Martinez lands a hard straight cross to the body of Barker. Martinez eats a short jab from Barker. Barker lands a short cross, but Martinez throws out about ten punches that Barker does not answer. Martinez with a quick three punch combination to the body of Barker. Barker seems content throwing out one punch at a time, and Martinez is not afraid to answer with combinations. Martinez throws out four to five two punch combinations towards the end of the round that Barker blocks. 10-9 round for Martinez.

Round 8:

Barker throws out a few jabs, and looks to be opening up more this round. Martinez gets tripped by Barker and the referee rules it a slip. Martinez lands a hard straight left cross to the body. Martinez lands three more hard straight right crosses to the body. Barker comes forward and throws a four punch combination and lands two straight right hands. Martinez throwing punches whenever Barker gets in range. Martinez lands a quick jab. Barker coming forward as Martinez tries to bait him in. Martinez lands a hook to the body. Martinez lands a quick jab. Martinez lands a hard straight left to the body of Barker as the round ends. 10-9 round for Martinez.

Round 9:

Martinez lands a cross to the body of Barker. A clash of heads occurs and Martinez complains to the referee. Fight quickly restarts and Barker opens up with some punches but misses. Barker lands a right hook and a right cross. Martinez is clearly staying the more active fighter, but Barker is blocking most of them. Barker lands a hard straight right hand. Barker lands a straight right hand. Barker lands a two punch combination. Two straight left hands land for Martinez. Fighters are trading near the corner, but Martinez landed the harder punches. A nice straight left hand lands for Martinez, and he may have hurt Barker. Martinez throws out two sets of multi punch combinations. 10-9 round for Martinez.

Round 10:

Martinez against staying the more active fighter with his jabs. Martinez lands a straight left hand to the body of Barker. Martinez throws out four jabs that are partially blocked. Martinez lands a very nice lead right hook. Martinez lands two jabs. Martinez lands a hard straight left hand that rocks Barker. Martinez rushes forward and Barker holds on to Martinez. Another straight left hand lands for Martinez. Martinez lands a very hard right hook and wobbles Barker. Barker is keeping his hands up and Martinez throwing multiple shots against Barker’s defense. The Crowd is on it’s feet and Martinez is landing a bunch of straight left hands. Barker appears to have recovered and keeps his defenses up against Martinez’s onslaught. 10-9 round for Martinez.

Round 11:

Martinez throws a right hook that is partially blocked. Martinez staying active on the outside with multiple two punchc ombnations. Martinez lands a hard right hook to the body of Barker. Barker lands two punches to the head of Martinez. Martinez lands a quick jab. Barker comes forward with a four punch combination, and Martinez ends with a four punch combination of his own. Barker keeps his hands up and Martinez throws out another combination and Barker falls to the ground. The referee counts Barker out and Martinez wins by KO on a right hooked that appeared partially blocked. Sergio Martinez kept on the pressure and work rate to get the knockout against an opponent that was tougher than advertised.

Sergio Martinez retains his middleweight belt by KO at 1:29 of round 11.



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