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10th Anniversary of Showbox Results: Magdaleno Shines, Ramos Remains Undefeated

By: William Holmes

Showtime celebrates their 10th anniversary with a solid card featuring the undefeated Diego Magdaleno. They start off their broadcast with a touching tribute to boxing announcer Nick Charles, who is already sorely missed by the boxing community. This card is dedicated to Nick Charles.

Casey Ramos (13-0) vs. George Kevlishvili (8-2) ; Super Featherweight

1st Round:

Both fighters go out to the center of the ring and appear to be the same in height. Both fighters echange jabs and land at the same time. Kevlishvili with a jab cross combination and Ramos lands a short hook. Kevlishvili throws a body shot and Ramos lands a three punch combination. Ramos is pressing forward, and lands a few shots to the body of Kevlishvili. Ramos lands a nice cross, and follows with a nice combination as Kevlishvili backs up to the ropes. Ramos again with a nice two punch combination. Ramos lands some nice shots to the head of Kevlishvili in the middle of the ring. Ramos lands a hard left hook to Kevlishvili in the middle of the ring again. Ramos lands some nice hooks, and Kevlishvili lands some decent shots of his own. Both fighters appear to have decided to come out swinging in the first round. I scored this round 10-9 for Ramos.

2nd Round:

Ramos starts off the second round throwing a few jabs and a hook to the body. Kevlishvili lands a nice two punch combination to Ramos’ head. Kevlishvili lands two nice right hooks. Fighters exchange body shots in the middle of the ring, and Ramos follows up with a stiff jab. Kevlishvili appears to have switched stances. Kevlishvili lands a nice lead left hook on Ramos. Kevlishvili with a hard hook to the body of Ramos. Ramos tries to work the body of Kevlishvili. Kevlishvili lands a hard left hand to Ramos’ head. Ramos stays working on the body of Kevlishvili. Better round for Kevlishvili. Ramos ends the round landing a solid combination, but I scored it 10-9 for Kevlishvili, it was a close round though.

3rd Round:

Ramos comes out behind his jab, and Kevlishvili lands two shots to the body of Ramos. Ramos comes in and doubles up on his hook to the body of Kevlishvili and staggers Kevlishvili. A nice uppercut lands for Ramos. Double jab lands for Ramos. Ramos is continuingly backing up Kevlishvili. Ramos lands a nice left, right, left combination on Kevlishvili. Ramos staying behind his jab effectively, and mixing up his body shots with his head shots. Ramos again backs up Kevlishvili against the ropes with combinations. Ramos getting the better of Kevlishvili when they both exchange. Ramos ends the round with some nice shots to the body. 10-9 round for Ramos.

4th Round:

Ramos starts off round four coming behind his jab. Ramos lands a nice lead cross, and catches Kevlishvili with a counter hook. Kevlishvili lands a hard cross on Ramos. Both fighters are throwing hard. Ramos has a cut above his right eye. Ramos lands a nice right hand, and Kevlishvili lands with a hard right of his own. Kevlishvili lands two hard crosses to Ramos. Ramos lands a nice right hook, and some shots to the body. Ramos sticking with his body shots. Some of Ramos’ punches are getting through Kevlishvili high guard. Neither fighter is throwing one punch at a time. The announcers note that Ramos shots appear to have less power. Tough round to score, but I scored it 10-9 for Ramos.

5th Round:

Ramos again coming behind his jab backing up Kevlishvili. Ramos gets warned for a possible low blow. Ramos certainly has been moving forward non stop this fight. Ramos lands a nice kidney shot on Kevlishvili. Ramos lands a nice right hook to Kevlishvili head. Ramos’ jab has been landing quite often this fight. Nice right hook by Ramos, and he follows with a nice left hook. Kevlishvili lands a hard right hook to Ramos as he comes in. Some of Ramos’ jabs are noticeably snapping Kevlishvili head back. Fighters exchange combinations near the end of the round, with Ramos getting the better of Kevlishvili. I scored this round 10-9 for Ramos.

6th Round:

Ramos again presses forward behind his jab. Kevlishvili lands a nice right cross, but Ramos continues to press forward behind his jab. Ramos lands when he presses forward. Ramos’ jabs are becoming more and more effective. Nice two punch combination landed by Kevlishvili. Ramos comes forward, comes forward, and comes forward. Nice hook to the body by Ramos. Kevlishvili hitting and running, but Ramos looks very confident in the ring. Ramos lands a nice right hook. Ramos’ cut is getting worse. This is a tougher round to score, and I could see some judges giving it to Kevlishvili, but I scored it 10-9 for Ramos.

7th Round:

Ramos again pushes the pace in the beginning of round seven by going forward behind his jab. I think Kevlishvili is fighting better than the announcers think he is, but Ramos is winning the fight so far. Nice right hand landed by Kevlishvili. Kevlishvili switching stances constantly. Ramos still pressing forward coming in behind his jab. Kevlishvili doing better this round with hitting and moving. Ramos lands a solid combination to Kevlishvili body. Ramos lands a nice left hook to Kevlishvili’ chin. A few jabs land for Kevlishvili. Ramos jabs landing near the end of the round. Kevlishvili gets the last punch in on the round. I’ll score this round 10-9 for Kevlishvili, but another close round.

8th Round:

Last round, and Ramos sticks to his gameplan of coming in behind his jab. Kevlishvili lands a nice cross to the body of Ramos, and follows it up with a nice cross to the head of Ramos. Ramos appears to be tired this round, but is still coming forward. Ramos coming forward has to look good in the judges’ eyes. Showtime’s announcers have it 70-63 for Ramos, but I think Kevlishvili might have stolen a round so far. Ramos lands a nice combination in the middle of the ring. Neither fighters appears to have a lot of power in their punches. In their brief exchanges Ramos again gets the better of Kevlishvili. I scored this round 10-9 for Ramos. Ramos should win this fight, but I don’t think by as wide of a margin as the announcers believe.

Official scores are 77-75 for Ramos, 77-75 for Kevlishvili, and 78-74 for Ramos. Ramos wins this fight by split decision.

Diego Magdaleno (19-0) vs. Alejandro Perez (15-2) ; Super Featherweight

Round 1:

Round one starts with Magdaleno coming out behind his jab. Crowd is chanting Magdaleno’s name. Magdaleno catches Perez with a lead right hook. Perez throws a nice right to Magdaleno’s head and knocks him down. Referee gives im a standing eight count. Perez tries to come in on Magdaleno, but Magdaleno does not appear to be too fazed from that knockdown. Magdaleno coming back aggressively, but Perez answers with some shots to the body. Perez again throws to the body of Magdaleno. Magdaleno lands a nice right hook to Perez. Magdaleno lands some nice shots to the body of Perez. I scored this round 10-8 for Perez.

Round 2:

Perez comes out firing in round two, and lands a nice cross. Perez does not seem fazed by Magdaleno’s unbeaten record. Perez is staying to the body, and lands a nice combination to the body followed by a hook to the head. Magdaleno throwing some power shots, and lands a nice right cross. Magdaleno lands a nice uppercut followed by a combination. Magdaleno catches Perez with a nice counter punch. Referee warns Perez to keep his punches up. Referee again warns Perez to keep his punches up. Referee takes a point away for Perez for low blows, I really didn’t see that low blow though. Magdaleno ends the round throwing some nice combinations. 10-8 round for Magdaleno due to the low blows.

Round 3:

Magdaleno has the clear hand speed advantage as round three begins. Magdaleno throwing some nice lead hooks to the head of Perez. Crowd chanting Diego as Magdaleno stays on the attack. Magdaleno lands a nice uppercut on Perez. Magdaleno lands a nice body shot combination to Perez, and lands another strong right hook to Perez. Magdaleno lands a hard uppercut to Perez. Magdaleno lands a nice lead cross to Perez. Very good round for Magdaleno, as most of his powershots landed. 10-9 round for Magdaleno.

Round 4:

Magdaleno starts off round four landing a lead right hook, and follows with some nice shots to the body of Perez. Magdaleno landing more often than Perez, and Perez missing on a lot of his shots. Perez has a cut over his right eye. Perez comes in landing a nice lead hook to the head of Magdaleno. Magdaleno landing a few jabs, and staying aggressive. Fighters have a nice exchange near the ropes, with Magdaleno getting the better of Perez. Both fighters very active, and Perez stays on his attack to the body. Perez lands a nice right cross, but Magdaleno answers with a shot of his own to Perez’s head. 10-9 round for Magdaleno.

Round 5:

Magdaleno clearly throwing more shots than Perez, and Perez is knocked off balance due to a body shot by Magdaleno. Magdaleno throwing some hard shots to Perez’s body near the ropes. A clash of heads happens in the middle of the ring. Nice right cross by Perez lands on Magdaleno. A hard jab by Magdaleno snaps Perez’s head back. A nice right hook lands on Perez by Magdaleno. Referee again warns Perez for low blows. 10-9 round for Magdaleno.

Round 6:

Magdaleno flicks out a few jabs on Perez. Both fighters have been keeping a good pace this fight. Perez lands a nice cross that sends Magdaleno back momentarily. Magdaleno lands another hard right hook to Perez’s chin. Magdaleno lands another lead right hook. Magdaleno body blows have been very effective this fight. Referee now warns both fighters to keep their blows up. Perez’s eyes look puffy. A three punch combination by Magdaleno backs Perez up. 10-9 round for Magdaleno.

Round 7:

Perez lands a nice right hand to Magdaleno head after a few body shots. Magdaleno consistently landing lead right hooks to Perez’s head. Nice left cross by Magdaleno backs Perez up. Magdaleno is in total control of this fight, and appears to be landing whenever he wants to land. A hard jab by Magdaleno backs Perez up. Perez has been slowing down noticeably. A hard two punch combination lands by Magdaleno. A hard straight left lands for Magdaleno, and a hard hook to the head also lands. Magdaleno power shots are landing with more regularity than earlier rounds. 10-9 round for Magdaleno.

Round 8:

Magdaleno still looking fresh as round eight begins. Magdaleno lands another lead hook to the head of Perez. Magdaleno throwing hard combinations. Another head clash by both fighters in the middle of the ring. Perez lands a decent shot to the body, and Magdaleno answers with a nice combination on Perez. Referee wanrs Magdaleno to keep his shots up. Perez is taking some hard shots by Magdaleno. Perez’s shots appear to be much slower than earlier rounds. Magdaleno landing some nice body shots to Perez, and stays nimble on his feet. Another hard straight left lands for Magdaleno. 10-9 round for Magdaleno again.

Round 9:

Perez comes out and lands a nice straight right. Magdaleno again answers with a multi punch combination. Magdaleno still looks fresh, and showing good movement. Magdaleno lead right hook to the head lands almost all the time. Magdaleno still throwing very hard, in combinations. Magdaleno showing very good conditioning this fight. Another hard right hook lands for Magdaleno. Even though Magdaleno is left handed, he has a very good right hand. Perez lands a decent hook to Magdaleno’s head. Magdaleno landing hard body shots to Perez. Magdaleno staying to the body, throwing quick combinations. A nice jab cross combination lands on Perez’s head. Magdaleno remaining very elusive. 10-9 round for Magdaleno.

Round 10:
Perez badly needs a knockout to win this fight. Magdaleno just needs to coast this round to win the fight, but stays aggressive to start the round. Perez’s shots do not have enough power to really threaten Magdaleno. Perez stumbles back after a shot by Magdaleno, and Magdaleno presses forward on Perez against the corner. Perez lands a few hard shots of his own. Give Magdaleno credit, even though he is comfortably ahead, he is still pressing forward with the action. Magdaleno throws a few jabs, and they land. Magdaleno throws another hard combination to Perez. Perez tells Magdaleno to come on, and Magdaleno answers with another combination. Perez has shown heart this fight, but Magdaleno is clearly the more skilled fighters. The fight ends as any fight should end, with both fighters throwing hard at each other. 10-9 round for Magdaleno.

Official scores are 98-90, 99-90, and 98-91 for Magdaleno.



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