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Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao: “Fight of the Century,” Round by Round

By: William Holmes

Good vs. Evil. Southpaw vs. Orthodox. Offense vs. Defense.

There was a lot of contrasts between the two boxers involved in tonight’s main event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada that was discussed ad nauseam amongst the media and boxing fans in the days leading up to this event. But finally, fight fans get to see these two icons settle it inside the ring.

There was a red carpet set up by the organizers of tonight’s Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Manny Pacquiao Pay-Per-View event as celebrities from all over arrived to watch the mega bout of the century. As typical for big Las Vegas fights, the arena had a lot of empty seats for the undercard, but was obviously filled by the start of the main event.

The Mexican national anthem was sung first by Julio Lopez, the Filipino national anthem was performed first by the Gail and the Word Chorale and sung second while the national anthem of the United States was performed last by actor Jamie Foxx.

The Las Vegas crowd was largely in support of Manny Pacquiao who entered first and booed Floyd Mayweather Jr. as he entered the ring last.

The following is a round by round recap of tonight’s main event.

Floyd Mayweather Jr. (47-0) vs. Manny Pacquiao (57-5-2); WBC, WBA, WBO Welterweight Titles


Mayweather’s size advantage is very noticeable when he is standing next to Pacquiao. Both fighters look to be in incredible shape. They touch gloves at the start of the round. Mayweather is pawing his jab out there and throws an early hard right hand that misses. Pacquiao throws and misses a two punch combination. Mayweather lands a check left hook on Mayweather when he comes forward. Mayweather lands two jabs on Pacquiao. Pacquiao is short with his punches. Mayweather lands a hard straight right hand on Pacquiao. Mayweather is fighting at the distance he wants to fight to be at. The crowd is loudly chanting for Pacquiao. Mayweather flicks out and misses a straight right hand. Pacquiao seems hesitant to get inside of Mayweather’s range. Mayweather lands a hard right hand on Pacquiao’s chin. Good jab by Pacquiao. Mayweather ties up with Pacquiao as soon as he gets in. Clear 10-9 Round for Mayweather.


Pacquiao looks disappointed with his first round performance in the corner. Pacquiao rushes forward with a lunging right hook but misses. Mayweather fighting moving backwards and is stuck near a croenr but lands a straight right hand. Pacquiao throws a three punch combo and Mayweather ties up immedatiely. Mayweather misses with a lead straight right hand. Mayweather backing into a corner and misses with two lead right hands. Mayweather ties up with Pacquiao when they get close again. Pacquiao lands a body shot and Mayweather ties up again. The crowd is loudly cheering on Pacquiao. Mayweather lands a straight right hand. Mayweather misses a jab and Pacquiao ducks under a Mayweather lead hook. Pacquiao diving in on Mayweather and lands a three-punch combination. Pacquiao lunges forward at the end of the round but doesn’t land. 10-9 Mayweather


Freddie Roach can be heard telling his fighter to use more footwork and combinations. Pacquiao is landing under 20%. Mayweather barely misses with a lead right hand and backs out of Pacquiao;s attack. Pacquiao rushes forward with a two punch combination but misses again. Good straight right to the body by Mayweather. Pacquiao catches Mayweather with a right hand as he comes forward. Pacquiao lands a body punch and Mayweather ties up. Mayweather backs up to the ropes again and Pacquiao misses with a bomb. Pacquiao throws a combination and Mayweather holds on again. Mayweather misses with a lead straight right, but follows it up with another right and connects. Mayweather ties up with Pacquiao again when he gets in tight. Mayweather misses with a jab. Mayweather barely misses with an overhand right. Pacquiao lands a right jab. But Mayweather answers with a cross to the body. Pacquiao lands a right hook and then lands two punches at the end. Better round for Pacquiao, but still 10-9 Mayweather.


Mayweather is controlling the center of the ring so far in this fight. Mayweather misses with an early lead right and then a right to the body. Pacquiao rushes forward and throws two hard punches, but Mayweather ducks under them. Pacquiao with two punches and follows it up with two more punches. Mayweather misses with a right, and Pacquiao had him momentarily trapped in a corner. Pacquiao attacking to the body when he comes forward. Mayweather lands a counter right on Pacquiao and follows with two jabs. Pacquiao lands a left hand that stuns Mayweather and Mayweather covers up b th ropes. Pacquiao gets the crowd in it’s feet and Pacquiao lands more shots on a covering up Mayweather and a right hook. Pacquiao lands a counter right hook but Mayweather lands a good jab. Pacquiao ducks right under a right hand counter form Mayweather. Good right hand fomr Mayweather and Pacquiao answers and lands his own ppunch. Good right hook by Pacquiao. 10-9 Pacquiao.


Pacquiao had his best round of the night in the fourth. They touch gloves at the start of the fifth round. Mayweather lands an early jab. Mayweather throws a right to the body but misses. Pacquiao rushes forward but just misses. Pacquiao with a straight left to the body and Mayweather answeres with a jab. Pacquiao misses with a left hook. Mayweather is sticking his jab at the guard of Pacquiao but follows with a straight right hand. Pacquiao lands a good jab. Mayweather answers with his own jab. Mayweather backs into a corner and ties up after missing with a punch. Pacquiao not as active this round as the last round. Mayweather is nibmle on his feet and stays away from the ataacks of Pacquiao. 10-9 Mayweather.


Pacquiao opens up the sixth round with a hard straight right hand but is chasing Mayweather around the ring. Mayweather misses with a straight right and Pacquiao ducks under it. The refere warns Mayweather for holding. Pacquiao lands a good straight left to the body of Mayweather. Mayweather ties up on Pacquiao again after moving away from the ropes. Pacquiao lands a good left hand that stuns Mayweather. Pacquiao lands shots on Mayweather’s body and Mayweather shkaes his head no at Pacquiao. Pacquiao attacking with combinations by the ropes. Pacuqiao lands a straight left. Pacquiao is on the attack with good quick combos. Good jab by Mayweather. Pacquiao lands a few punches on Mayweather by the corner. 10-9 round for Pacquiao.


They touch gloves at the start of the seventh round. Mayweather throws and lands a right hook and Pacquiao backs away. Godo right to the body by Mayweather. Mayweather is coming forward on Pacuqiao and Pacquiao lands a straight right. Good jab by Mayweather momentarily knocks Manny backwards. Good jabs by Mayweather. Pacquiao comes forward and Mayweather ties up again. Mayweather lands a straight right on Pacquiao. Mayweather is moving, almost running, away from Pacuqiao when he comes forward on the attack. Mayweather with a good jab on Pacquiao. Pacquioa with a good two punch combination that backs Mayweather up. Good jab form Mayweather. Pacuqiao with a good right hook upstairs after throwing a body punch. Close round, but 10-9 Mayweather.


Mayweather flicking out several jabs at Pacquiao. Pacuqiao barelymises with a straight left but follows it up later with a straight left hand that lands and a left. Pacuqiao missees with a bomb of a right hook. Good lead left by Pacquiao. Good short left by Pacquiao. The crowd is chanting for Manny again. Pacuqiao lands a jab on Mayweather as he comes forward. Good lead right by Mayweather and Pacquiao shakes it off. Pacquiao lands a left to the body of Mayweather. Mayweather lands two left hooks in a row on Pacquiao. Mayweather reach is giving Pacquiao a lot of problems. Pacuqioa lands a counter jab on Mayweather. Mayweather lands a good right hand on Pacquiao. 10-9 Mayweather.


Pacquiao throws out and misses a straight left hand. Pacuqiao misses a straight left again. Good jab by Mayweather. Good straight left by Pacquiao has Mayweather backing into the ropes. Pacquiao lunges forward again and Mayweather clinches with Pacquiao. Good jab by Pacquiao. Mayweather lands a short left hook and Pacquiao answers with a straight left to Mayweather’s chin. Pacquiao missees with a left and Mayweather lands a straight right hand. Good jab by Mayweather to stop Pacquiao’s attack. Mayweather barely misses with a straight right hand. Pacuqoa lands a three punch combo on Mayweather near the end of the round but Mayweather later lands a good straight right hand. 10-9 Pacquiao, but could go either way.


Both fighters are in the center of the ring and pawing jabs at each other. Pacquiao is short with his jabs, but lands a good hard straight left to the body of Mayweather. Pacuqioa barely misses with a straight left to Mayweather’s chin. Mayweather lands a good straight right hand. Pacquiao lands a few short shots and has Mayweather backing up. Good jab by Mayweather. Good straight right hand by Mayweather. Pacquaio lands a short right hook on Mayweather. Mayweather is backing into the corner again and Pacquiao lands a left to the body of Mayweather. Pacuqiao throws a three punch combo and lands only one punch. Mayweather leans on Pacquiao when he gets in tight. Mayweather misses with a straight right hand and Pacquiao answers with a good jab. Pacquiao outworking Mayweather this round, 10-9 Pacquiao.


Mayweather should be ahead on the cards at this point. Good right hook by Mayweather at start of the round and he stuns Pacquiao. Pacquiao barely misses with a straight left hand. Pacquiao with a straight left to the body, and Mayweather answers with a two punch counter. Mayweather ducks under a combo by Pacquiao. Pacquiao lands a body shot on Mayweather. Pacquiao lands a straight left on Mayweather and follows it with a left hook. Mayweather takes a left to the body. Pacquiao more active this round so far. Mayweather lands a straight right on Pacuqiao. Mayweather fights out of the corner and lands a good jab coming out, and follows it with a straight right hand. Mayweather lands a good left hook upstars on Pacquiao. Mayweather misses with a wild right hook. Good jab to the body by Mayweather. 10-9 Mayweather.


Pacquiao needs a knockout to win. They embrace at the start of the twelfth round. The crowd is loudly chanting for Pacquiao. Mayweather lands a quick jab. Pacquiao is pressing forward but unable to land many punches. Good straight right by Mayweather. Good straight left by Pacquiao. Straight jab by Mayweather. Pacquiao lands a left to the body. Pacquiao misses with a straight left. Pacquiao needs to press more. Pacquiao mises with a left. Pacquiao is chasing Mayweather but Mayweather is playing it safe. Pacquiao lunging forward again but misses. 10-9 Mayweather.

Judges’ scores were 118-100, 116-112 (twice), a dominating unanimous decision for Floyd “Money” Mayweather, while the fight was scored 117-112 for Mayweather by Boxing Insider.

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