Columns Business of Boxing: Manny Pacquiao Places High in the Rankings That Matter By Charles Jay PacMoney – Marketing, Millions and Manny Pacquiao Part Two Most professional fighters may be concerned with where they stand in the... Staff07/21/2011
Columns Business of Boxing: PacMoney, Marketing, Millions, and Manny Pacquiao By Charles Jay Part One – Introducing the “Players” Oscar De La Hoya, who made in excess of $200 million in career earnings, did... Staff07/19/2011
Columns Jackie Kallen on Boxing: Lousy judging AGAIN By Jackie Kallen Boxing is getting to be a frustrating sport to watch. I love it, have been part of it for over three... Staff07/10/2011
Columns Jackie Kallen: The Heavyweight Division is a Real Mess By Jackie Kallen Wow. What a disappointment the heavyweight title fight was. I am still reeling at how boring, flat and uninteresting this match-up... Staff07/03/2011
Columns Jackie Kallen on Boxing: James Toney vs Ken Shamrock By Jackie Kallen I wish people would stop asking me what I think about James Toney fighting Ken Shamrock some time this Fall. What... Staff06/27/2011
Columns Jackie Kallen: Do some judges need glasses? By Jackie Kallen OK, I am not going to be a sour loser or hold a pity party for Team Dallas over last night’s... Staff06/25/2011
Columns Jackie Kallen: Building a professional boxer is a tricky process By Jackie Kallen Building a professional boxer is a tricky process. As a manager, you have to make the right moves at the right... Staff06/21/2011
Columns Big Lesson For Boxing Promoters – Let People In! By Charles Jay You’re going to be reading a lot of stuff in the near future from me about where boxing has run into... Staff06/16/2011
Columns MMA: Rumors Surge Regarding an FTC Investigation of Zuffa/UFC Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200 By Bryanna Fissori Legal Analyst So the rumor has hit the streets and all the MMA... Staff06/07/2011
Columns Jackie Kallen: They Don’t Make Them Like They Used To By Jackie Kallen I am the luckiest woman in boxing. I learned from the best. The first fight I ever saw in person was... Staff05/31/2011